InterSpeech 2021

Health and Affect I

Measuring Voice Quality Parameters after Speaker Pseudonymization
(Oral presentation)

Rob J.J.H. van Son (Netherlands Cancer Institute, The Netherlands)

Speaking Corona? Human and Machine Recognition of COVID-19 from Voice
(Oral presentation)

Pascal Hecker (audEERING, Germany), Florian B. Pokorny (Universität Augsburg, Germany), Katrin D. Bartl-Pokorny (Universität Augsburg, Germany), Uwe Reichel (audEERING, Germany), Zhao Ren (Universität Augsburg, Germany), Simone Hantke (audEERING, Germany), Florian Eyben (audEERING, Germany), Dagmar M. Schuller (audEERING, Germany), Bert Arnrich (Universität Potsdam, Germany), Björn W. Schuller (audEERING, Germany)

Acoustic-Prosodic, Lexical and Demographic Cues to Persuasiveness in Competitive Debate Speeches
(Oral presentation)

Huyen Nguyen (Universität Hamburg, Germany), Ralph Vente (CUNY Hunter College, USA), David Lupea (NYU, USA), Sarah Ita Levitan (CUNY Hunter College, USA), Julia Hirschberg (Columbia University, USA)