so i think about fast education this is one of my favourite quotes about education

i had to go to graduate was from this

i've just had it around for a long time which is education is what is

what is that when you forgot not of so after you've been through all the


and you don't really remember all the little bits and pieces that's what's that's what's

left and we think about education


i was home schooled

i was actually well i like so people in the third grade dropout that's the

fun way to say i went through third grade and i was actually home schooled

for the first half of kindergarten when i was are we little K and i

remember that being a lot more fun than school and i convince my mom to

put me out of school and go back to homeschooling

and from so from fourth grade and still

i took the A C which is a college example and us when i was

eighteen i never took any more tests

and it was it was great that's what i actually you graduate from high school

though because in us there's something called come our school which is an umbrella school

so for home schoolers that want a standard transcript and the standard

a high school diploma for just purposes it use of applying to colleges and what

not you can in the rolling can or school and actually have an international school

they also have a base in germany actually

as well and they actually all they also have a campus cool it's in ann

arbour michigan which is about a four and a half hour drive from my house

so i've been there a few times

over the years

and i graduated you doesn't do actually graduated here really

i didn't actually know this until about six months before i graduated because we had

the we had these things called credit report forms where you filled out what classes

you were taking and how many hours you're done for this or that

and i had failed to send in mind for the second year so the middle

of the third year so i didn't really realise how much i have done that

second year and up till then and i realise when i was going to say

that in that i had gotten something like four credit hours the last year and

i only needed like six or eight or something for that year and so i

remember my dad came home from working as like so i guess what i graduated

it was fun

i don't have is waiting this year actually so i guess i'm gonna have to

do something else "'cause" at that point i was looking into applying for a

us foreign exchange student program or

and all strip something fun for my senior but

in any case i graduated and because i graduate a year early i didn't have

time to apply to the school that actually wanted to go to which was in

alaska at that point my plan was to be a marine biologist

i'd forgotten how much i hated school

i quickly remembered when i went to a little can stay interest grows which is

like their satellite school near me and i went there for one semester and remembered

how much i hated school and sitting in mostly people talk and writing things down

so i then transferred down talking college which is also in ohio and a talking

i may be injured have to so she's from them there

not really super useful at this point there in that customers mention and natural resource


so about as far away from computer science as you can get

it was a fun school and of last time at my husband there


i since then i spent a year in spain in two thousand five because i

want to learn spanish F we would approve when i realised that i should really

learn spanish of from gonna travel that way

at least three more useful language and so it's been a year there in learn

spanish and came home and

what not


something that's adjusting

or for most people to realise that i live in the middle of nowhere and

i see that jokingly and most people don't really believe me but if you see

at the end here

at the at the very end of that white line there's a little white spot

and that's actually the roof of the cab that my dad lives in we live

in the other sort of creamy college but there this is all a wider of

this is about like a mile or fight so about a half mile probably almost

so a larger view that the carolyn up there is that's the county see

the other little mark what the name of here

that story that's where my son went to school for a year and a half

i guess you'd at your public preschool this is you like that you love that

and then he did about a month of kindergarten maybe to any sort of complaining

didn't wanna go and

i couldn't blame "'em" i hate school i guess that i remember that

whenever i go back so i pull them out and now we're homeschooling so in

the us

homeschooling accounts for about three percent of the population of gets as of two thousand

and seven in nineteen seventy two was when it started to become legal it i

don't know when it really became completely legal in the us where people were worried

anymore "'cause" when i was home schooling originally in the eighties and the early nineties

it was still sort of an iffy proposition which is why my family join come

are originally because they were way to be sort of safe and not worry about

the law that if you got in trouble

and more would represent you

so why we home school is because well i it just doesn't wanna go to


and then be is because like in school can if you think of the world

and what there is to learn about it as a as a pie chart which

is the blue in school kids they get they get this little section right they

get this section of the world of exposure to different things a different ideas at

school but they miss out on a whole bunch more because the world is not

just school as we all know who have gone away and moved on from school

and the before what a lot of people have a problem with home schooling and

us is because so many people want school for religious really which isn't me but

they really just want to lose

because they want expose their kids to this to this tiny sliver of the world

of a little bit of education and of there

they're very small view of the world which i don't agree with and hopefully most

people don't agree with but there's lots of them and us to do

but i don't school because i wanna suppose make is to this which is everything

which is everything that there is so mostly what we deal with home schoolers

is me read books and we play games

and we acknowledge that

that we're always learning your learning something right now i'm running something right now were

always learning something

learning never starts and it never stops and so you die from them when you're

born so and schooling is what we really doing i've been saying i'm home schooling


technically sure that's what i tell the government but actually what i'm doing is called

on schooling and

when i grew up i was in school or i didn't actually know that like

that's about high school college and realised that we were actually on schooling

and this is a quote from john whole it was sort of the father of

a lot of homeschooling he's right here a whole bunch of books in the i

think the late seventies well when you started writing through the eighties

about education and kids and how kids learn and it you know to trust children

is the hardest thing that we can possibly do because most of us grew up

not being told that we weren't we couldn't be trusted

that we couldn't be trusted only in order to learn you had to go to

school and sit down and read a book and you worksheets intake test

so these are just a couple of other quotes from john whole

and it it's true that's what

you know if you think about it were always learning and everything we do and

my biggest example might you six example for most people is legos because probably all

this have played with legos right at anyone in here not that with like that

this do that

you've never like this like this


i okay so you play with the spanish version of like this

okay so



i so means that my voice the little one facing us is key in he's

well will be for on wednesday and yellow that it was used would use as

well homeschooling now and this is mostly my collection of like those there's some that

they have gotten for birthdays and christmas and the last couple years

this is a very common picture our room when you walk in our house this

happens at least once a day that it that's for the legos people down and

usually there are all they're not always sometimes

sometimes they get put away because you know i need to vacuum the floor or

something or i just wanna do something else besides the one that goes first up

around i guess because as we all know stepping on the was a slightly painful

i actually had a cut in my for a few months ago from a lego

that somehow i stepped on just perfectly wrong and it was actually leading it was

really painful but so legos

when you think about it

when you learn when you're building with legos when you're playing with

what do you and your learning how to count how to add how to subtract

how to build things how to you are really about map all about science and

engineering right you're learning about all kinds of things about our how to design how

to make things look good how to you know versus building something with the jumble

of colours verses all the same colour my son still in the stage where he's

just i need this piece i don't care what colour this i'm sure that will

change eventually but right now he doesn't care we just want to build things


that that's just my example to get you thinking of the of how to think

about on schooling so and computers and actually this is my voice computer just to

the right of it is their bunk beds there's at least are sitting there charging

which is a also constant battle

but what we use is we use this all that stuff this was my high

school graduation present it was a great pc

back and it works so works fine but actually runs X F C E or

actually the going to be exact because it just won't quite run you know actually

haven't tried but i'm pretty confident five hundred megs of ram and it'll P for

is probably not sufficient

they also use a lot of lifters they play with those most in the car

and there's all kinds of great games that each in different things

and they also plan like that what i have a pain kind which was the

kick starter i think over christmas so it's a tablet that's of three tablet it

runs it had to a version of and run it but i can also stick

in a little S P card and it'll boot into linux

and i think it's relative see that on it they also play with obviously are

small are enjoyed smartphones the computer and my laptop occasionally when i let them play

with it which is unusual because there for in six and i don't know if

you have little kids but they're slightly on the destructive side

so as far as applications that we use in that they have access to every

day there's a lot more than this

mostly that they love to play games obvious is all it's do they play talk

smack effects typing all the time those are games of them they also play a

or i don't know if you've heard of this it's another application it's these are

all they're fairly basic they start out adding and subtracting you believe they going to

multiplication and division my guys haven't gotten anywhere near there yet but i'm sure they

will eventually there's also you can pre which is a gonna project and you can

pre has a ton of stuff and it's a suite of programs so there's all

sorts of games there's all sorts of writing programs there's you know there's reading when

you A B C's how to count it all sorts of things some of our

summer go students last year real programs that added in stuff about space and physics

and stuff which was really cool and really fun to have

they also play a few games on our tablets and things this is swords and

soldiers does anyone your plate swords and soldiers

it was in a whole bundle which is how i have it "'cause" i've been

buying most of the humble one of things are bottles for a long time this

is one of the my voice favourite games

this is a great example of how kids are just sponges and learn things

we were at a museum dedicated lately this a few times and we write a

museum in ohio and it had big a displays about different cultures and one of

them was the chinese and it was like okay see and the chinese invented gunpowder

and my son and just went away that i want

right you learn where did where did we possibly go over trying to think anyway

sergeant sort of someone in and insertions orders there's the vikings what you see right

now and there's also chinese and aspects that you can play as and the chinese

have gotten harder they have guns because they invented gunpowder and that's how my son

learned chinese the did gunpowder which just kind of made me laugh and it still

makes you have to think about it that just random things that they pick up

everywhere constantly

as far as other ways that we have for kids to learn about computers is

there's this thing called scratch and their motto is imagine program share it's done by

mit my voice haven't messed with that it's mostly online

and they haven't quite got to that point they're not quite reading but i i'm

hoping to introduce this fall and when i get back and getting some more different

things and stop there's also alice i don't know much about alice i was trying

to look it up the last couple days hopefully i i'd like to introduce all

the but the problem that we have with kids in computers is that in school

or even at home most people have what they have windows or they have mac

and so that's what kids are being taught right now is there learning about windows

there learning about mac and how to run their not learning anything about free software

they're not wearing anything about how to run it

or it's ideals and what's behind it and as a result

we don't have much for them right and still they get to

to call it really there's some other things here and there but in until we

get to college most people most kids aren't really exposed in any way shape or

form a believe it's a college you're not generally exposed to for software and by

that time you've lost them because they've already become set in their ways and what

they use what they know

and if we wanna add more people to pass generally to get known

we need to figure out some way to reach out long before they get to


some way to reach out and grab them

and something to get them thinking there's also there's also sugar of course which is

an out should of the one a proper trial that's who was originally developed for

and sugars great but their problem is sugars a fairly basic

and it's

kind of hard to get you have to know how do at least install linux

or at least be willing to trying bring something to we use P key which

is not something most people know how to do for first

for first way in to fox i love sure i haven't got a my voice

computer yet at some point i'll probably give that a try

you know that's with the other problem with the one leftover trout program is they

have these all something like that the excellent have a that's coming out shortly and

i would love to have a couple of these for my voice but i have

no way to get them because they only are sold by the hundred i think

i do we have a i look up that the minimum order is a hundred

and because they're really only find them to schools

and they're not really trying to get to them so them the schools even in

the us that's what i've

played around the idea of trying to get a hundred home schoolers or hundred friends

that would want to buy one of these for their kids they're trying to put

together a group by but i haven't managed to figure out exactly how to do

that i don't know quite that many people what can kids at least that have

the money to spend a hundred order dollars on a toy is actually for their

kids i would love to do it "'cause" i would love to have one of

these able to have two of them actually because i would need one for each

just what we have we have to be pictures because

one is yes

well and i would not want to but at least to at least to one

for each of them edit their minimum but there needs to be something some way

for people to get fast easily and if even these were available for sale it

would be a lot easier to say you can go buy one but you can

this is just more about what it and saying you know that's the sugar in

your we can see they do great things they have you know several minute several

million computers now in mostly verbal countries where kids are using these and learning how

to develop and learning how to use computers and you learning how to read for

that matter you know some of these i know they've done experiments S

that might be


in that you know that it's just it's a great project since a great idea

but there needs to be an easier way to get a hold of it

when we when kids get the high school there is google coding which i really

wish existed you know ten fifteen years ago when i was in his local i

totally would've done that but google colin according to straight but it has the same

limiting factor a summer of code which is that it's only code and it's only

for high school students

and it's not super well advertise so lots and lots and lots of people don't

know what it this

and it needs to be more well what advertised and it need and we need

something very similar but that is not purely code

and that is so different way to get in to free software for kids and

for people generally for that matter different ways for them to become involved


that's an idea

that that's a great idea i'm i think about it right

so what do we need is we need some way to bring kids and something

that's fun that they want to play anyways this is one of my voice favourite

games on the computer the super talks i assume probably some of you have put

that's once or twice i have the sensually mario

so why

it is still one it's a platform are the basic

these english true is applied

but i want super talks my boards also projects but the question is and this

much follows the mass talk and this mobile as wise and or why isn't super

talks easy to change why is in it why don't we make it a way

for people for kids to make new level to make their own levels

that maybe you have to be the game first

but once you beat it now you can go in and you can usually design

your own levels

why can't you make different tim to make the physics of the game a little

bit different even if it's just to change it so that instead of running on

the bottom maybe run on the top of the street

maybe you flow maybe you can fly now and different design different things why in

free software can't we make it easy to use and easy to play and

and go from there

and that in programs that focus on freedom that focus on promoting and explaining freedom

as in as and it's yours as and we've given you supertopics

and now it's yours and now you can play with it and you can design

new levels and you can give a

is there a little there's

that's also


right so but so we should be able to change the dynamics of it why

can't why can't we i mean it's free right can't we can't we figure out

some way to do this and i'm not a good enough programmer that i can

see that i can do this

and aside from that you know in schools around the world there are some countries

that are trying to move which free software some highlights are brazil where there's five

million people in this five hundred thousand schools using free software which is amazing and

also and i'm so jealous

in spain that make eczema data is moving so open source and they've install dbn

on forty thousand desktops which is pretty awesome and highlight just a few days ago

order one point two million enjoy tablets to give out to their students which is

i know it's not it's not really frame but it's better than that more during

our sex come on

it's better than them ordering windows tablets i would much prefer to see people use

enjoyed rather than windows or oversexed because at least it something different and it is

it's a third option that is becoming silly available


aside from that there for schools there are some cost management application

which i honestly i and when i looked this up and follows information i can't

understand why schools don't use these more other than that they're somewhat limited

but there's all sorts of different ways that we can be promoting ourselves to schools

because it's they have some way to use it as their management software and realise

that this works then maybe they're gonna be more likely to use it for their


"'cause" right now in the us and i'm sure on the world there are millions

of people with X P on their systems that is going to be completely obsolete

in twenty fourteen

and at that point what happens what happens all those people what happens all those

tools in those libraries

some of which exist in my town that have these old systems that the now

they're gonna be forced upgrade or something else

and can we can we promote ourselves to them to try and get them to

move to say you don't have to buy new hardware

because so many places of right now of course or so it's got okay they

have no money for new computers

or for new licenses or anything else

and that's pretty much all i have there's any questions


yes this day and one is the but you know i was just wondering


how you

you just

expansion it's two kids

i like travelling that's what we go on a lots of field trips more or

less constantly so that day after i get back i get back to do and

ohio something like ten thirty eleven o'clock at night and the next morning i'm getting

up at probably edition packing a want and around nine will be leaving and going

teenager readers which is a program and that's that happens every other week for the

summer but then throughout the school year we go one lots of field trips to

museums to science and it's amazing how much that's going on for kids that you

don't know about and so you start looking i mean in my area when i

i've make it was in school i didn't even lot "'cause" i didn't care right

but once you said you didn't wanna school i spent the next

two or three months "'cause" that was in

october ish east are to complain he didn't wanna go and i pull them out

after christmas so for the next two or three months i spent online looking up

all different things and can see i can hear i can show you my calendar

of stuff

well that's weird where's

open of evolution of stuff that we do which and everything that on this counter

we don't go to we couldn't if we wanted to

so all of the


yes all of

here let me take off mine

and kevin's

so all of that is all the stuff that there is to do within an

hour so strive of where i live which is the middle of nowhere as you

also earlier so we don't do all this because frankly you can a lot of

the conflicts

but this is constantly this is what this is august and i have this and

this is just what's plan right now as of a few weeks ago i'm constantly

adding new stuff to this

this is you know september and it just goes on a not we're joining a

colour as of

i think the first meeting three days in august twenty eight and then every

or less every other we will be up in akron which is like an hour

and a half away for a includes the core with i think there's ninety kids


that so close to each by using the there's tons of stuff to do

i think i think in order to get kids involved at the university level we

need to start them when they're young little when they're young and i mean that's

what summer of code is a great way to push it that way but how

in the question of course is how do we get like the people who are

in the design and other things to join us and help us design better going

on three you know and i think that's what maybe the at we program for

men to some of that and maybe we need a larger outreach program for just

general people to bring them all in

that to say that you can come and work on free software in ways outside

of code outside of summer of go there are other ways to get involved and

to have

cut to give contributions and give back

and start using

our end users do to have your software applications change it and change its behaviour

and abstract thing that program in layer that it's not gonna bar years that you

might be interested in a yes absolutely different way to do that

anything else

okay do you have a credit know follow know education this to of a question

is for education because you actually time what we have a we have a list

of spatial reno so we can easy call minutes we cover it look at and

the can all location of all need for most cases use and we also use

the P H D T know of for the switch well we also in you

know this

a single this very important you must have at least to have a school in

the for the children for there is to know well all if well this is

a location we could use so would you did you know full it a student

of "'cause" you these also resource know could you can there's and there's if you're

acting there's a resource around more i've of the answer is no at least not

that i'm aware of if there was i would i would love to hear about

it haven't so far it very well may exist that at some university that i

just haven't looked into there

top that's available deep enough yet but i certainly haven't heard about it and i

know lots of people who have kids you want someone how to program and they

don't know how to help them start and what's out there is just it's not

very good i mean that they can say there's traction there's alice and there's code

academy and different things but none of those and all those all they might each

programming but they don't focus on the freedom part which is the problem and i

think that we need to have something and educational program for kids that focuses on

teaching now and of way that's fine but that also is teaching them about the

principles of free software and why that's important why is it important that it's free

not just how to do it but why that important that you're releasing your source

code and that you're contributing in you know when you're putting it on get how

and it's open and it's free


so i propose how do you think that we it's a community can reach large

numbers of young people outside of just the ones that we interact with them our

communities and families

what it is about that we thought about that's what that's kind of what i'm

trying to get is that i think we need a we need invent super talks

and invent a way to change it and release it and marketing and use what

we have in free software to market it and show what's the kids and make

it become somehow the cool new now that kids then to download because they want

to download and it needs to run on linux obviously but it also need to

run on android i'm probably on O S X so that kids there can download

it and look at it and play with it because let's be honest it most

kids are not running you know as much as we might want them to


anything else

friend again

i guess i would love to go to schools but i don't i don't know

quite how to approach them they're hard to approach at least one that i try

to put some for other various things and how do you how do you go

and tell them i wanna expose your kids to this and a lot of them

are just at least write a are very resistant anyone outside of themselves because they're

all about their funding and what they have already


so that there were you had it he had in their of some waiting to

get in already but if you don't have that in if you're me and i

don't really know any teachers in the schools how to way how do i find

that person that will give me access and let me come in and help their

kids learn

thing and mobile welcome you slowly connections with my high school elementary schools most people

probably assume new people who wants to really score elementary schools are teaching better

i have my name my brother i know lots of people around but i don't

know anyone who actually works for the schools in that capacity

i didn't go to school so i don't have a teacher's i well i have

well i have a huge network of friends but mostly all of them have scattered

they're all over there's in california one just went got sweden

they're just everywhere

more comment and a question really but in my high school learning computers was lenny

microsoft office and proprietary programs the right and really interested in finding with the stuff

that right now that's what i when i was in college i had to take

microsoft office my hasn't acted to take it twice because they wouldn't accept any to

next office two thousand and three when he went back to school for years later

and with that thousand seven to the different class take it again which just drove

me crazy

and him crazy

also more of a comment than a question the what you mentioned with changing the

physics of the game reminded me of the of the talk about project or maybe

you some of you know it's like where you can added the code like you

can you can directly edit the code and see how it how it influences the

games i would influence the trajectory of the jump for example right i think that

would be great like not only for kids like for everyone but especially for kids

you can usually see you want you slide the value for a little gravity and

see how the john trajectory that was that would be perfect that we did something

very simple that they can slide this and you're changing it from dying ten to

twenty and what does that change

so you might mention is already "'cause" the came in late but

and that tell you know in the ski know mentioned having again the people can

actually at the right word from was this like connected to the yes

yes that was all that's what the one other thing that matt said that i

think it's absolutely yes and it comes back to where i live just in the

middle of nowhere i don't have high speed internet so his idea of having a

way to update your system with their remote key is just genius i do that

all the time and that i take my like my laptop to the library but

it's true my kids laptop gets updated infrequently at best because it means running a

cable to it and then telling them they're not allowed to play with it for

like a day well the downloads because i downloaded ten or twenty kilobits a second

on a bad it drops to five

but yes

i record that



yes but it's been years and years and years

but yes

that sort is that sort of stuff to change things

