and now Petr Blaha from Doucme will tell you something more about their project

hello! My name is Petr. I am so thrilled to be here. Coming here really

means a lot. So, you know, I should tell you something more about Doucme, why

should we win. But you know, we decided to do something a little... a little

more different

for three months now, we have been part of Starcube and it meant so much

for us that we decided to pay back something and this is our little tribute

to Starcube, because we really loved it

so, first of all

there was a bootcamp. At bootcamp it was a two day full motivation. When we

arrived, we, we thought, like, we know everything about business and how to run it.

Well, it turned out that we don't. And later that night we were asked to

present our elevator pitch and we were like: what the heck is the elevator pitch?

Well, now we know. Our, like, seventh original elevator pitch is like, creates new

market on the field of tutoring. There are one point three million pupils in the

Czech Republic and about one third of them need to be tutored on a regular

basis. That's where we come in with our... with our easy to use and friendly...

friendly product. Well, there was a first workshop after that and we heard about the

importance of design, about how to design our services and you know, that if we

really want to do a great product, we have to do it from the perspective

of our client, our customer

so, we started designing new web frames for our website and we did, like, five

of them so far and we will continue to do so. Then there was the

second workshop when we learned our... about business model and it was really important for

us, because we always thought that our premiun model is the best that there can

be. But when we put it on a paper, we realised that this is our

... that means: our profit, in two thousand and thirteen, by the most optimistic ways

we were like: hello! We sterted to do, to do something more, we started to

project new business models and three business models later... we finally got it. This is

the most pessimistic way of profit in two thousand and thirteen. It's all in czech

crowns, by the way. And there are our... our wages... everything is, is in debt

and still we are in right numbers. So, that's kind of good. How we will

make money? Left to be

first, there will be annual fee for our tutors. Than there will be premium packages

for tutors who want something extra. And then, there will be Doucme Express. That means:

imagine you... Katie, that you just saw, is your daughter and, you know, day after

tomorrow she has a test from math and she still doesn't know it. So, we

guarantee you that if you use this service, you will have your tutor in twenty

four hours at your doorstep

so, than there was a third workshop, when we learned about the importance of a

team. And we realized that our lazy programmer won't just un-lazy himself. So, we kind

of had to let him go. And, you know, this is our new programmer and,

by the way, he's really awesome. He's somewhere over there, so you can see him.

Please, do hi to him, 'cause he's really awesome

and you know, then there was a workshop of our marketing. And, you know, finally

it was something that we can manage to do, to do right. Those are our

hourly flats and they... they have a good conversion, but we will still continue to

develop our marketing further. So, you know, where were we and where will we be

in a next one or two years? First is... first September of this year. We

will have our first customers. Than, by the end of this year, we will cover

the whole Czech Republic and by September of two thousand and thirteen, we want to

start expansion to Slovakia, Poland, Austria and such. So, once again, thank you, all those

wonderful people from JIC that helped us. Thank you, all those people there for motivating

us. And to you all. Thank you also for your attention and if you have

any questions, please, feel free to ask. Thank you.

it was kind... unusual way of going deeper in the project, so, I hope jury

gets some new information

to ask you anything they want to know about you, your project

so jury, it's up to you. There are microphones on the tables, so please, questions


I have a question. I heard Michael saying that if I was to go deeper.

So, I would love to have seen that part

generally most of the presentation is great, it's phantastic. But, rather than showing powerpoints, show

the product. That's all that matters. The design, the website. Show them how it works

if you can, as well. The demo. So, that would make it a lot easier

for us to understand more deeply. Suggestion, rather than question. Thank you. We... we show

you the screenshot of the website in the two minutes. But, I agree that we

could show you something more. But, on the other hand, we are on the... we

are in the better version. So, you know, it's just

so, quick question. The revenue, you mentioned that one nine point five six. I'm assuming

it is not 199 Crowns point halire. Yeah, yeah it is. It's a bit too

precise. Like, what would be a revenue per year and based on what?

well, we did a casual projection. By it, we... we know about our costs. It's

about twenty seven thousand one hundred and forty eight crowns

something about that. Then we put five percent every month to that... It gets really

defensive and that's kind of pessimistic but we wanted to, to be most... as accurate

as it can get. And than we projected number of subscriptions to that of the

tutors and a number of express service and by that we ... we got our

cash flow and so this was, was so precise. I mean we won't really get

that number, but it's a destination

well, you expect pretty... pretty heavy traffic, right?

based on those numbers. So, I have two questions. All the tutors will be... will

be volunteers?

yeah. Every... every tutor is, is a college student and he is there because he

wants to be there. You know... motivation for you

well, you have a motivation... it's that you can get, you know, clients and you

can get a lot of money by it because, you know, nowadays students in college

make about sixty seventy crowns per hour and a one day tutor, they make about

one fifty to two hundred crowns

second question. There will be a lot of traffic, a expected. Will there be any

editor of the of the questions?

how will you clean up the garbage?

I'm sorry, I didn't understand your question. There will be... there will be soon a

lot of paranoid people that will fill it by really stupid stuff. So, somewhere must

be something that will prevent this, an editor. You planning something like this? Or it

will be completed free for you? Any... any, anything written or asked as a question

any discussion below of any web presentation or any web newspaper

yeah, well, I have a two years experience in moderating forums. So, I know how

to deal with people and I know how to moderate it. So I can take

it for... for some time and if it grows and it will be too much

for me, than we can hire someone to do that for me

first of all, I wanted to congratulate Starcube team, South Moravian Innovation Centre, f wonderful

show I participated in the last year event

so congratulations. And second, I wanted to applause to all of you that are

as startups because

really brave and

you should all be inspired by what you

to applaud you

my question is: how about some of the legal issues? Because I know, actually, my

friend now uses a tutor to tutor her daughter and I have a question. How

will you deal with background checks, because that to be a sensitive issue for a

lot of parents

will you have something available in the

yes, thank you for question, by the way. Yeah, as I said before, there are

only college students that can tutor on our website and we always make sure that

whoever signs for... for, you know, tutor; that hi is who he pretends to be.

So we always go to the information systems of that university and we check it...

that's really who he pretends to be. Other than that, we will have an evaluation

system that means that you can post a feedback on a tutor. So, you know,

when you see that there are three positive feedbacks, then you know that this is

probably going to be fine

thank you


to this

platform and... but, it seems to me, that this could be done by any platforms

which are already placed like Aukro

at which I can see as... as

competitor to this and how you can avoid this

yeah, because our price is already established. It's only the matter of time if somebody

invent their this Doucme, or call it, somewhere else

thank you. I feel like we have more... more to offer than just a listing

of a tutors. We plan on various, various new ways how to promote it and

so, for example, we have a tackle we have a new... new service that we

are going to do. It's called Tandem and it's about that, for example I know

something about english and I want to know something about german and there is just

some guy that knows german a lot and he wants to be tutor at english.

So, we can, you know, we alert each other. So that this would be idea

between the service, we will... we will match those two people. And it's another service.

And we... and we have more of those planned

see so if the your

languages it's

the science or the


well, that's one thing and the other thing is that... I feel like we are

trying to do a different kind of atmosphere, really friendly, really... you know, that people

would feel safe there. So yeah, I feel like there is the atmosphere thing and

there is the direct services that we will... we will offer

place that people will

know that knows of needs or how to check

quality of this

the college students, who are going to

teacher potential

and our physique we all look kind of

how we'll actually create the lists of the

and how do you check the quality

well, as I said before, we manually check if the person that wants to tutor

is the one that he pretends to be. There's also that we'd like to think

that they tutored before, you know, the third one is the sorry

so if you have a quality qualification of schools, universities and colleges; where are you

going to pick your tutors

reputation or letter because

it's useful if you are going to have to create

the list of admirable tutors

it offers your clients once they have been pointed at another eve

you will never... you will never gonna

quickly and



good and what kind of quality

to achieve by your first

your first list of tutors

and the outset of your

I have about one second to answer so I make sure

time for questions

so try to answer the last question

well I'm sorry, I'm still... I still have problem understanding what do you... I'll tell

you in Czech

well, no, we will

you think you never speak? What tell us this is the right guy for tutoring?

No, that right guy is to come to us and tell us: hey, i want

to tutor and I... I mean yeah, there's some risk that there will be some,

some... some pupils that will be... that will be disappointed

by the tutor, but you know, there's still one point three million others and you

know, we... we will do our best to secure that each and every of those

tutors are... has some quality

so time is up. Thank you, Petr