my name is Štepan Hruda and I will tell you something about Gameful

so, this is Jack, your customer

let me tell you one thing about Jack. Jack does not care about your business.

There is simply too much information in the world today. He cannot process it. Here,

on his face, he's not amused. Well, do you know what people actually like today?

Games. Worldwide people spend over three billion hours per week playing games. Now, games and

business have always been two very separate worlds. But if they enjoy games so much,

cant's we just take the fun part out of games and put it into business?

Yes, we can. If you tell Jack to drink two beers, so he will unlock

new rewards and get to level five, or if you tell him to reply to

ten returning emails, so he will complete a quest, or if you show him a

leader board of his local gym and tell him that he's at the third place

will he exercise a little bit more? No, he won't. He will go to the

gym and sweat his ass off to get to the first place

and this applying of game elements into business is called gamification. This is exactly what

we do in Gameful. We create customized gamification for your business

we have already finished some projects and there is obviously more demand. Why do we

do it? For one thing, Jack will use your product longer. Than he will come

back more often. It will help you to form a customer community and Jack will

talk about you with his friends and family

well, so do gamification for Jack. And if you're altruistic, well do it for the

extra revenues

thank you