video changes the way of human communication, we change the video. And how we do

it? Let me introduce our project manager Petr, who will tell you more about Videoflot,

while I will illustrate his words I hear in the real time

everybody! I just want to ask you which one of you had never come in

touch with online video

and now imagine that YouTube, that started the explosion of online video, was launched just

seven years ago. There is a huge new video market, which is growing faster than

any other online format. It's fifty five percent annually, it gave rise to new kind

of video creators

but, what the creators really need? Ladies and gentlemen, it's two things

find the members

and find a job

that was no playground for creators until now

today we are introducing Videoflot

it's much more than social app and job saver for video creators

it is global, but locally based

running on your computer, tablet or phone

and it has never been this easy to find video creators at one place

Videoflot also has incredible team of professionals with more than ten years experience not only

in video production, but also in programming, graphics and marketing. Video gives us extraordinary superpowers,

as you can see

is your imagination