Thank you very much. You voted for us, we appreciate it. You put trust in


As I finish with the video, I would

play you one

that possibilities with our system is


So, you can walk around on water

or run through caves

There are many possibilities where you can go with Spoteee.

Just a second. Presentation... okay, here it is.

You wanted numbers. So, I would like

brief introduction to our business model.

Users or visitors of gyms, they don't pay anything, it's for free and our customer

is owner of a gym. They pay monthly couple of thousands of crowns and we

have first customers for now. For numbers

we did counting. And we count five hundred of gyms

are diminished by, not so rich gyms. And if you count two running treadmills for

each gym and in penetration of three percent of the market, we could reach the

breakeven point the next year.

We did our sales directly, but now we realised that it's not so possible, speed

up our product with direct sales. So, we are dealing with very important distributor for

Czech and Slovak market that could speed up our Spoteee system as much as possible.

Competition in the Czech Republic is

there's no competition. And in Europe, we don't have any direct competitor. In West coast

of US, there are three companies, but the business models and strategies are different.

For the technological background, we built our system on Microsoft technology, Microsoft technologies, and we

use many PCs. These many PCs we put in front of every treadmill where it

can be stored about six hundred of our HD videos. And we are managing them

for this, for long, from our, from our office.

This is user interface Spoteee. You just can switch with arrows, choose video track you

want. There are information you need if you want to walk around, what speed is,

how long it takes and.. other informations.

Challenge is now, the biggest challenge for our team is synchronisation, the video with our

video tracks. So if you adjust speed in your treadmill, the video will speed up.

But there are few problems that we have to solve.

From our

tests, we tested our idea, and people told us they want to learn English or

other world languages. So, we tested already this bonus module. It's not substitute for video

tricks, but it's more efficient if you want to run and spend the time learning

english. So, you can the run in Paris and then learn English or French, if

you want. So, you can choose the speed of changing the cards and there is

Czech word and after a few seconds appears English word, and so on.

We wanted to combine our videos with language module, and put it in augmented reality.

But it's for the future plans. Our team

we are five, five of us. From programmer to camermans to creative people and business

men; we have economic background from various faculties, like math and physics In Prague; economics

the sports and sports studies, and other hobbies and experience. So we are building on

this experience.

So for now, thank you for attention, and

I'm looking forward

forward to answers.

Oh, questions, sorry.


I really like it and I'm actually one of your potential customers, because.. Thank you.

I hate working out and staring in the wall, I don't like watching movies because

I don't work out long. But you said there is no competition and I disagree,

because I was obviously researching, before I was doing my research, before I buy... and

there are treadmills with this actually integrated and they speed up as you run, so

there is that synchronisation ready. So,

What do you mean by no competition? Because I see it.

It's pretty expensive version. It's from our competition, from West coast and we tested this

device and it's not so good, because you are watching down. The position of your

neck, it's not ideal and the stereotype of your movement, it's not so good. So,

we put LCD television in front of treadmill. You are watching straight and you are

learning the right style of running. So, this is first

first argument, and the second, that these systems are not working well. There are quite

problems with them and

also the size of the screen, it's not so good. So, the feeling from the

running, it's not so

intense as from Spoteee.

Why are you selling it just to gyms?

Why can't I buy it? It's our first sales pipeline and we... you want to

sell for everyone, to home and also provide our videos to relaxation centres, because we

have feedback that our videos are relaxing and it could be, it could be fun

just watching it at home.

So, every time, every time. So,

So my question is about manufacturing costs. Because obviously, the question that realise that if

I can sell it.. is the question how much does it cost you to make

it and what is your margin profit on that?

Yes it does cost pretty much. The last journey to London coasts, like, nine thousand

of crowns. But we shooted about five or six video, so every video costs about

one thousand or two thousand of crowns. And the great, the biggest cost is the

mini PC.

So, that's, I was talking about the hardware actually. Sorry, sorry. No worries. Okay

We have to come with hardware, we don't want to sell it. We rent this

hardware for gyms. And we know this is the huge, a huge problem of our

business model, but for now... So you buy those off-the-shelf this way, you just put

the sticker Spotee sticker on top of it, and you rent it? That's what you're

saying? Yes. Okay.

And how, how much

how much does it cost to them?

It's about few thousands of crowns monthly.

I don't want to say

aloud, but

if you want to, if you want to know it, I will tell you afterwards.

It's our secret, sorry.


I think thet the possibility to synchronise the speed is critical to really

make it attractive. So what are the obstacles?

You are shooting the video with the precise or exact speed. But, for example, we

are shooting the video with speed of seven kilometres per hour, but if someone wants

to run, like,


so we have to speed up this video two hundred percent.

So, if we shoot

some people, and then speed up these people, they look like, they look like rockets.

They are flying there and it's not so, it's not so natural. So there are

a few limits and we have to figure it out

how to solve it.

Actually, just before the ring goes on... actually, maybe I missed it, but

what is the... is it the monthly price and what is it exactly?

Well I said it's a secret, but I will tell you afterwards if you are

interested. Okay, that's thw way, okay, sorry. I thought you were talking about the hardware,

and I was thinking about just month... No, no, hardware costs like about eight thousand

of crowns. Okay, sorry. This is no secret.

Thank you. Thank you, Spoteee.

Thank you, thank you very much.