
good afternoon

good afternoon everybody

just before we start this an x session all the speakers please be reminded and

everybody is attending that as has been the case for several years we're recording the


if you object to being recorded please see one of the volunteers before your session

so welcome to the joint sig dial same dial a special session a negotiation dialog

organised by myself amanda stance lynn walker is over there actually sh papa and diane


we have a website for the special session and we encourage you just to see

the website where we have a list of useful resources

this session of feature three papers to from seven dial and one from sick dial

as well as for short position paper presentations and then a panel featuring the presenter

is that the position papers

and the position papers are available on the website for the special session

why this special session right now

well researchers as you heard from all over this morning researchers are starting to look

at more

advanced applications that we're going back to looking at more advanced applications for dialogue system

so there's beginning to be an assortment of interesting systems there's also quite a lot

of available data now some of which you can see from the special session website

and there is multiplicity of approaches from the more discourse and the more engineering and

of the spectrum

so we after the papers have been presented we're going to be asking our panelists

the following questions which will come back to and while you're listening to the presentations

feel free to think of questions on your own as well

so the first paper in the session

will be presented by cover our nicholas

it's online learning in transfer for user adaptation in dialogue systems and this is assumed

a paper