welcome to my talk and

let's start what am i babbling about

about brno of course like way to grab lunch where you are well i'll tell

you all about brno because i know a lot about it it's my second time

here so of course and everything

no i'll be talking about judge you of air go to make it make that

happen right now in you know you don't have for example map see don't know

like if you want to just check weekly where you are in map you can't

do that so and you need to find places and stuff so that's not there

and you do

do that so what do we need to do to make it the geo where

the organ on experience

one first thing is your location to find your location the users location and where

you are and sure to of course and the next thing you need is once

you know where you are you you're probably finding where you are because you want

to go to some place and want to see how much distances there between the

place you place the want to go to and you and how to get there

and that would be the second thing to find a route to the place very

work go to or if you want to plan your journey so that also needs

a solution in bloom and this is something that is on all black problems like

android and i us or whatever it's called the apples so always i know use

it so i don't know the names even so they all have it they all

have first solutions for these things integrated into their voice always so we need something

like that and also of course in the end they all these things should need

that you why that shows you know all these things roots and maps and everything

and also to save but you like if you do your search for route which

save it for you and later if you want to access that it should be

able to give it to you matt very fast because it's cash and also like

the places you have search for be is these so it should be able to

show it to you very quickly and not use network at all

so i'll be talking a bit about these for things that i mentioned and the

first of the thing is the G location

we have solution already for that since two thousand five or six a bunch of

people mostly from finland for some reason like others the hundred bridges and you see

click on and they both of our very much involved in this project but not

sure like for the last few years they are not so involved and they kind

of created a good solution and it was the like all of the things that

it sounded very good ideas of the time but they ended up making it really

complicated i actually haven't really worked on there's you to myself like the old one

but no


has been working on that and he founded very complicated so it's like it's

create some if you guys and then those api tsar divas if you as are

implemented by different services and then you will have to choose the differences services which

you want like based on if you want G P S R I P address

or all those things so it's not so nice and we something better so we

mainly bust and came up with the idea of geo clue and your clue to

completely rewrite it and the main point of this rewrite is having simplicity and have

one service one simple service and make it really the well documented and apps can

just use that service and they don't need to hear about or users that means

a nobody needs to care about different kinds of like sources of where you get

to the location information from like gps or three D or all those so that's

the main thing that should be simple and it needs to have privacy so currently

do you include gives your location information to all the apps

and that you although that that's not what you want you want to have control

over that so why don't have needs your location it ask you be ask you

that you want to share your location to this particular i or not and then

when you say yes we do that and we also save it the or preference

and then you should have the chance to also change your preference later for different


so this is all coming i already have actually like a bastion give me a

design for what you talked that you could to should look like and i most

agreed with it so i implemented it and what previously was on my private you

get oreos or something but just before the talk like to our before bastien wanted

to do you clue repository so now as you could you and your crew with

just merged and just you could and the old stuff just doesn't exist there all

the court is origin and maybe it releases and stuff but there's one really is

already and you can already tried a currently it

i'll talk about

the sources a bit so you need a different sources that i mentioned the for

location and do you clue is supposed to use these sources and like tried that

it's best to get your location as good as possible so what are the sources

the other person is gps and it gps assisted gps so if you have hardware

which gets very accurate information "'cause" U P Ss for getting your information a location

information very accurately so if you have it and you're is connected to your machine

running a normal it's


the best thing so your we can find your location and we displayed on that

i'll talk about maps later


and then there is life i've missed a but your location so there is some

A P eyes like there is gone all not sorry go will api for this

and then there is the free so results light i forgot the name

almost open wireless i think so it's

the both the services they did send them your what which likewise are in range

and what's the strands of it and they give you a indication of the location


don't have this right now we do we have some patches for do you college

you who do that but should be your clue to at this but it's based

on google and we don't think real get permission to use their api because it's

meant specifically for google maps

so we can't use it more most likely so we will probably use this open

like five

and for privacy concerns as well with this and they say stuff going on

and also three G nowadays is three Z modems they give you location information it's

not that accurate but it's much better than the next one i'll talk about so

it's a maybe really need this and i'll be working on that currently we only

have this last one I P based geolocation it's only usually city level information so

you can we can only detect your and helsinki or violent and stuff like that

and i think it works pretty lively for that is

so that that's there already and you clue us so you can at least get

your C D look at information if you want to new or up to you

to do that you should use your clue already or if you had the previous

you clue support for that you need to order to the new api and it


so once you know where you are the next step is to of explore the

syria around you or to find places like you're going to some country a next

week you want to know about what's kind of restaurants out there where you're staying

and stuff and the place where you're staying in the exact so for that we

have something called G accord agility

who to blame for this once again bust and

who doesn't know who's busting on here

good one

so and you don't know cool stuff so this is one of things you did

and recently i've started contributing to it so one so it's what it does is

it's something called you coding enter words you coding geo coding is the process of


stringer checks into

location information like to student long which you'd mainly and also about like getting more

details what kind of place it is like where this that search results that you

get you also get those with the with this you could really and rewards you

according is the opposite of that you your point in a map in a place

and you say which what's here

and then surely words you according you can find what's the name of this place

and other actors of the place if it's a restaurant so what kind of restaurant

and all that stuff

so we don't have currently that much support for like what kind of place it

is but we do have support basic support for like if it's a city or

country or that things like that or a point of interest which could be many


and we so we have this you're putting in reverse you putting already working in

you could you live you can already use that

and one of the things we recently did with this beautiful jill it was that

you was using


i think it's for price we have somehow and i it's not open it hope

places it's that that's what it was using and i order to norman a team

which is a three service and open service and you can do whatever you want

it's open source

stuff so it's all good

and it's also a lot more populated then joe places in general sorry but


does to say like places are you mostly talk about like cities are like i

mean i know there's also like stuff like i wanna go to this last right

guy type many am restaurant will give me location of longitude latitude i also never

gonna number need to i guess that a pronounce it i believe open street maps

has been trying to build some it's open straight now this nominal thing is from

open straighten that up there service okay it's actually the same data beta like a

same database if you have some something to know open street map it gets okay


okay right so i mean

how hot it i assume it's really popular because of street maps but i assume

that it's like

that like restaurants i don't like we will not very populated you can type a

name a restaurant or some building and you'll just it'll they are the this also

find that there's a lot of data and they're standing i'll talk a bit more

about the data for alright thank you know what one of the things that we

want to be able to do at some point once we get

once we can access gps is some a inaccurate souls of location

then will be able to in the data and probably data for them you know


i think that's very important because it's data that will end up using

for some more questions

well there is a way of using the G P S and cell phones the

up to

so you exposing you i it's also i doubt so

you have to connected

like it's some for that they expose themselves as the act normal what i'm and

you can get to the location information through what a manager this knock and nine

is one of them okay so i'm hoping that the new you all i'm about

to do the same so because they're based on the same software so that should

do what we can hope we can help

all you can get a dedicated to a team or them

if you're specifically talking about exporting gps info from oldham couldn't you do that with

an application so and get on the phone that we have like a nap in

the and weren't however and

we exported over shape loses

okay so you're saying that we should put up a at that people can download

and then you can if there's interesting do we have anything about that's actually good

idea okay i think about if i can time out there

so in the end we need to you want to expose all these things together

like how do you need to show it like you need you can get the

location of the user you can

i find out place is so how do you showed all this information so first

thing is like some plan it's of the library that was it in by this

guy big in the beginning here look at doing we lost this guy to this

company call apple because i don't know they don't allow him to work on the

things related to his work or something that's actually a lot of companies do that

they don't allow you to work on open source on the same things they are

doing in their work because it's conflict of interest or something at least according to


so but before he went away he did already a lot of good a job

with this like simple and it's a really nice api already and we have been

using it and it's not like guys your clue that we need to replace it

because we don't see the point

so we are working on that as well like as much as needed although it

already works pretty well and now this is maintained by this guy G is here

G guy


it was supposed to be here you'd it's quite nearby and he said he will

come by so

okay so he's a nice guy and is maintaining it for us and this election

one as the just for was saying about opens treatment so it's uses that an

is pretty cool because it's has opened data and it's there is no problem or

for an essay or anyone's fine that's that the

well actually they can anyway

it's user driven

which means that if you'll find like to find some information it's not there you

can go and just put it there if they have multiple clients not today one

api but multiple clients for different platform all the platforms federico where is very is

not here and you had to go we showing me on his iphone that they

have a client for that multiple clients and you can very easily add information to

it especially like something small there's like a street or something like a there's and

restaurant different restaurant is missing and it so you can very easily add from with

those us and that is why you know what the last few years this open

street map has come a very long way like there was so much data that

was missing but now it is it's very if you play a little data that's

missing so i'll encourage you guys if you are just in math and stuff since

you're here you are just right so please do contribute if you if you can

and it's very see easy and simple is will be will very easy way to

contribute you can it's a one of them is to contributed we don't know actually

okay a that i so well period was working on is not stuff the also

wrote and i call a marilyn it

the problem it is that wasn't meant for going on three so the you eyes

that doesn't look like anything like a going on three up and it's very little

work it's it was pretty incomplete so there was no point of view we using

that part at least but we are using mission plan which is the bigger part

of the of the work and we went for a new application called max for

it's the designed specifically for going on three and it's designed by these folks john

we can and can steiner and the second

and so that's not a nice swedish

access writable correct right

i would like to know my

and andreas was as being the lately a lot more involved unusual design was from

don't like and he was supposed to present admitted as you could see his name

was there but that's it was we showed you the talk so

i think got a not very saying so in the end so i've decided vigilant

okay and i'm to see this guy from the same city not text that's the

that i sorry


so i don't know there's some weird thing going around in the city of bottom

work because the designers from bottom board this summer of course remind much as is

from their these are working on that and this guy over there college is also

living in gotten bargain is the working on something related to the geolocation stuff but

not entirely is working to control centre

actually and there was there was recently a block in map that it was talking

got onboard because that's where i was last time and just put an abatement location

other than us and it was thing you're not number sorry

so not us is that working on the grow some of course project to us

roots once you know where you are really ready to find places now you need

to know to find routes to places

what we that's is some records there's four types of fruit right mainly walking

bicycle car and public transportation there's also flying chips and stuff but that's the data

do that huh

and we have different sources for those things first this always are and we want

to use this as much as possible this is yet another project by opens treatment

guys and since its ears the database with the able straight men so it's all

cool because it's all open it's all the same guys same forks and we can

just we can even five bucks and it's just pretty good and

so when you when you i did data and add more data do it so

we also contribute this project as well at the same time

so we will be using that for car at least that they have call routing

they should have bicycle but i don't think they do in this service although in

the database they have all the data to do it and it open street map

you can like render all the like you can select that's a map type at

that renders all the cycle routes all over but that's not what we want we

want something specific like you want to know from here to here i want only

the second week from this business but and that's not they're not sorry i'm at

least right now as we as far as we know so well there's also other

than this there is country and city specific routing it the eyes and

we will be have planned for

and plug-ins like if it depending on where you are since we can detect where

you are so based on that we will choose the plug in the best plug

in for you that will not give us the routing information about or finding rooting

for your city or at least your country there is like in at least in

all the european countries there is that the it the eyes available and cities as

well like the big cities that we have really good have a especially in the

nordic countries there's really good at the eyes and very reliable people use them everyday

so we will be using that and much yes is working on that so if

something goes wrong it's a small

the pinpoint us teams manuel so

i'm really sorry i can't see

is there a shortcut to move my

window to there

i know but is there a major like

okay iphone somehow

put them off there

i know


can use you

how we came here

okay now i am also it's not able

so as you can see that should you agree with that knows your location so

it shows it there and this may basic right now we just started so don't

expect much for anything at all


you can search for places

all sorts of places that are already cached so it doesn't take long you on

this network

network then

that there's a there's a fronts i don't know

okay so and then you can zoom in and stuff and there is this button

that takes you right your location

we are currently is that although

and excuse me whatever second just

what the demo something that needs like not so you can see is the currently

that but are satellites information is very limited in this open street map source it's

it if you zoom in if you aren't us it's pretty good like it's that

information i think it's coming from some you is government agency so it's because of



it's coming on this network so

someone had a question i can

yes a thing that i was asking about the one thing about the map projection


sorry what not projection or you see

okay that explains why the eyes and the nor the compass was a huge


so as you can see

if we will doing this just as we what interviews web macaw to we will

do something like forty ninety or something like that

but that's

not something that you need to care about


it's that's

that's mostly it


there's many places by new york

so as you can see it's pretty good in for new york at least so

if you're a new yorker

not only was a pretty good


was there any love


nothing left so

except for this

nice picture

what colour you have a question

nobody on my can

okay no questions like a question

about that you could if you i does it include other your compass orientation

which direction you are facing

is it is seriously haven't plan okay


it's nudity

i don't know

i know i was just for just commenting that velocity and a construction so variety

i especially if you can catch that when you lose your gps between

you don't like epic

you was a pi


in what form like the X M L

okay in changes

okay say that

wait a second i'll just put it on or

so that's as simple as it is right

that's it

and a question


you get case from a construct that how do you know that we currently we

have doubts but yes that's been dreaming about our entering the vector to sell yes

it would be good


not just okay so there's been a lot of work on "'em" or that there's

a trend of moving to vector data and actually running it by themselves from actually

doing that that's times

so i've been what you want to the like math books has been doing in

this report and that's interesting and something that i would like to work from if

i had infinite time this for

so if someone your mi infinite i'm sure

i so back and i actually attended a session on open ads and one thing

is that i think that some countries that have issues with people to a there

like i don't pieces i'm not even in open office number not which is they

got the new project that's nine like this is just that and then you if

i remember reading it right i had a problem it google not been places you

like bring it on C D's and then not being questions or not is really

saying that it's focus of all civilians and on a hard disk or not and

hasn't how decide you could you know and not standard either that newt was neck

and so

that we will have the resources to go around and like do those things but

still one street map doesn't and that's why as a so this user driven so

if you're if you want your counter be in the open street map you have

yourself going at it there

like what about hell on a lot of people undocumented okay would googling around a

to you know not been places because i'm never going to


okay so anyone else know

okay thanks for coming and appreciating my swedish accent adam