so i think that we can start

let me officially invite you walmart's czech republic

for i don't know how many times you already had use asr you know there

was nineteen eighty five

the first say

let me think

ieee speech comedy for allowing us

not to have the workshop

in place like this

not to have a

workshop place like this

but rather to have a workshop

in the place like this

because we actually wanted to see who is coming

for science

who is coming for each is mostly

so those of you why you're seriously we take very seriously and we take the

finance and you remember these spaces

because we know that you are here because of speech


so this is this is very good

at the same time we want to remind you that even that almost doesn't have


or ski slopes it is that which they recognise not in the score is one

of the unique styles in europe

it's very or more at and i will

actually i'm coming from but nobody to admit that normalcy number base is nicer

and if it wasn't forced me this trends doing a bit more senior up

would have probably you know capital for more at a they were unlikely because they

got right out by over by sweets and they're not even so the balloon inside

growing somehow

routine to more important in spite of that there is still a big university on

a lot of nice houses and all classes and you see some of them even

i mean in a sequential possible for

wednesday insulin so please take that it sometime i'm not encouraging you to skip the

technical program but if you to choose so if you choose to do so you

made what we is not five about ten minute walk to two thousand so

so that

i would still like to take a possibility to remind to a friend and colleague

a tragedy like you would be totally the idea to see that to asr you

eventually maybe the czech republic

you know there is one of activities in speech and czech republic and i believe

that large the actually maybe also because of right

because he was always helping people here trying to encourage people to get into speech

so as i said i mean i would be i'm sure that you would be

very happy to be among cost which unfortunately didn't happen or so we take this

opportunity to be mean to remind us

how the asr start it was in i believe nineteen eighty five are at the

house in these days the workshop was very different from conference

where was the place where we discuss

current state-of-the-art future of the i beam and very heated discussions that mike and eighty

five i remember that was when

stochastic approach is what they came over and the knowledge based approaches where somehow going

to be to but in background that words and basically dispense pdas discussing the right

way to go

we would scale like to see the asr you to do this rather than be

yet another meeting where we present latest and greatest we still do that because we

have a posters and so you can always bring the only is the greatest but

as far as discussion satisfies talks are concerned

what we try to do is to bring up something issues which are important as

we speak about the technical committee what a lot topics in speech recognition and you

will be discussing i think mozart chernotsky will tell you more about the details of

the technical program and everything so i will pass

the microphone to be

okay thank you can actually i will try to do with the other microphone well

just the about the program that the are gonna see the this P

so the core of the program us it is usual are talks

we have the combination of you know and invited talks

organized in three topical there is so we are very happy that the organ and

the right and the accepted the that organise the first one or neural networks which

is gonna take place today then we will have low resource is my gym class

and the rnn johnson

and then applications done by lies by better maureen on the you on the sharp


then well

we try to ask you guys

what should be presented on the on the fourth day so we add at the

question ari for the do we within the paper submission and we look the at

the on source of all sorts of the accepted once and actually the topic that

was requested the most was the fragility

for the robustness of asr so rather than the classical topics

we a so that would be it would be appropriate to invite our icsi colleagues

jordan cohen and steve ekman to talk about the old

project which is an and even investigation of why the asr systems fail so that's

what we will see the last day

and sure they are the regular papers so just a little statistics we had the

one seventy two

regular papers submit it at very accepted which with us with us to forty six

and something

acceptance rate and the i would like to think our technical chairs for great work

in organising correlating these reviews so then what we

or was the main guy and look out where get jason williams sound you could

on would i'm not sure and the any stereo no we're working it's technical chairs

well of course papers need to be reviewed so i think that many of you

guys served as review or something you deserve our great the things

then the process was done technically by C M S

and the everything that this the printed material whatever if the proceedings or the conference


they were checked by on the high each and i thomas hain

whom i would like to thank as well

and that well we

for the organisation of the posters

i got many questions like when is my session

i actually the answer is no nowhere

never and ever

because if we tried to do a little change in this it's are you

reacting opened the usual complaints that we year in every conference like

it's too crowded i can see anything

and the to other one so we tried to launch something but with maybe a

be more pleasant for people

and that is that the all the posters are training all the time so we

had just

three half an hour slots or the authors are really requested to be at their


and then otherwise they can plan their talks and discussions the for any time during

the munchies coffee breaks in the middle of the night if you if you wish

so we hope that the this arrangement will make it more presents and of course

you naked myself are ready to receive criticism and Q tips if you like it

and we have a demo and the toolkit session one thursday that was organised by

using to guide by young the knows that we didn't have as many submissions as

last time in have i

so we are open to receive also ad hoc you mode so actually if you

have a product if you have a toolkit or anything that using would be versus

the presenting to the slu public just


stand up talk to us before in case there are many arrangements you need to

do and this possible to show it on a thursday morning

well no conference

would make it without sponsors

so i would like to thank our industrial oblique publicity chars that was my cribbage

any the at which parts

actually and patrick when for great help actually getting a is sponsorship

so we had to do but you know my sponsors in our office of naval

research and the and google

the gold level sponsorship


i shouldn't say sponsorship this is for beaten by ieee because actually the chief sponsor

of the conferences the signal processing so cyclic so support sorry this should be support

well you dance microsoft and the newton technologies from chick group from the czech republic

and silver support

was done by phonics see a and the idea of research

and you have a five runs the supporters so calypso from singapore

linger are ready a that our local companies a well and the ubm

well there was the local organizing team so i would like to think of the

guys from

i L C I or out see even agency

these guys are responsible for the local arrangements and

sasha combining should be somewhere around so i would like to thank him

and his team and of course there are some people from but that were helping

so but each got over there at the khmer

of great help with the vet web page then the silver how about what you

can you counts

an article are all doing all possible little things that the tell the success of

the conference and among over our students

i would like to thank you don't necessarily that was the most helpful but of

course all the other guys that were rescored veggies so if you spot someone with

the yellow strips of the badge don't hesitate to ask them about some very practical

things like for example the longest one or less check word

and the and so on

then well i come to these practical things about eating and drinking so you know

this is czech republic globals is somewhere to the east so definitely there is here

everywhere but it would like to critically remind you that we have also examined when

they are in some more area

so we specially dry

white wines excellent

but in the north

of more area with have also many people this delighting pretty much anything that's a

contains sugar

so if you if you ask a for anything that is ending with the I

C E this is not to be pronounced the size but it's a

next remove it simmering curve it's dictionary so whatever the you won't be disappointed but

you very much stronger than any are probably used to

then well one

eating and drinking there will be location

the exercise this activity in the in the bank at of course so we will

have it in a very historical place are should bishop's palace so for all of


as unix said this place was established when no one ever heard about but also

actually of the time or not was kind of

small which in the middle of nowhere

and we will have a music entertainment by a group that is centered the long

symbol on word symbol a local music instrument

so actually i won't say more about this will have the opportunity to listen to

these guys

and try out if they can play something more than four or tunes

then still pretty much around the food and drinks

well not the first one you have your tools that are organised

so the first tourists a guided walk through the city of all modes

which takes place today tomorrow and the day after tomorrow lasts for two hours and

actually if you are interested in these just the let the guys know at the

at the reception

then for the day there is some here tasting in the bigger brew very smart

the vast lusty the U R

and for use the

there is actually a two are organized to the wine cellars in community

it's seventy kilometres from here some the price includes way that the travel wine

some food

and the well you probably won't be able to see all these beautiful gardens because

gram usage is known for their gardens but i think what is gonna happen in

the source can compensate for the for the beauty of the gardens

okay so that was the bunk at the two Rs now i'm at the very

important point and then this is the prices so we had three of them

that's the student paper and word

that was sponsored the by microsoft

you have best paper award sponsored by I B M and best poster word that

is actually our own thing

so let's begin with the best the student paper


well the normally would be just why it with and this over which unfortunately cannot

be years so i would ask hynek maybe two

and these places these prices over

so the papers were selected by the technical committee and the third

the student paper those the hierarchical system for word discovery exploiting dtw based initialization why

all over water be more courthouse and hold it will but

weeks not around

any of you guys here

very nice

so maybe guys we can pose for the for the for the graphic so

so that you have a nice photo


so the

second prize

knows the fixed-dimensional acoustic

embeddings of variable-length segments in low resource settings like these live in

get are in an array

and jensen

currently the school that's it


as you

actually things

and the first one so the best student paper those two unsupervised induction and filling

of semantic slots for spoken dialogue systems using phrase semantic parsing you mention ubm younger

on alex we need to P

okay very nice

okay so that was the student papers

for best papers that was sponsored by id and we had to that a site


here that is organized the thing and that and over the prices

so there is a staircase somewhere over there data or you can jump actually is


if you use the unit it's only the point one

so the third one goes the convolutional neural network based triangular crf for joint intent

detection and slot filling

we are two we study carry out

and we like any of you you're right

anyone else from microsoft that they are

for these yes


very nice the second price that all of atwv probing the mysteries of keyword search

performance is my steve big men out of area atoms in can be neon how

much and the mortgage


and the first one acoustic data driven pronunciation lexicon for large vocabulary speech recognition by

the anglo are not what shall steve renals from anymore

okay in regard still sleepy no is T Vs there

thank you very much think about

so it should it ever there are some the amounts of money on this and

the so far enough just the checks

so the one that's very important we stopped at the reception very many real money


well then we had the best post reward

which should be selected by you guys so everyone that got the attention there is


on the black arrow the badge

so just the latent cost it's to develop what it is the registration please no

later than and then there is they i am so that we can so that

you can do the scrutiny

and we will announce the best based the best poster

the closing the thursday before lunch

well i'm almost that the end

so in case

you have questions ideas suggestions

there are basically three points so there is the registration desk

with the all C stuff

that is gonna help you with all the practical the matters

then that hynek the and myself would be around

and if you need anything and you are not able to find any of us

just speak to anyone with this

yellow strip

batch this is you default so usually they know where to work to find us

and does the variance so i've issue

gerbils they you normals

and the well

have a nice week thank you