0:00:02someone even stopped a single of energy and i'm a consultant and strict medicine at
0:00:06imperial college okay and it just stressed
0:00:09so this paper a the purpose was to provide an updating to the benefits of
0:00:15stem cell therapy instruments and
0:00:18in terms of pre clinical evidence is very good evidence for benefits of stem cells
0:00:23in straight models but in terms of translating that to the bedside that's very much
0:00:29in its infancy stroke is a major calls mortality and morbidity across the world we
0:00:35know that it is the seconds commonest single coils of that
0:00:38worldwide and also be common discourse about of disability across the globe
0:00:44so there's a real and pressing need to new treatments in the field of straight
0:00:48medicine and perhaps regenerative strategy so just stem cell therapy and number of different theories
0:00:55of been proposed which we discussed in the pay
0:00:58this review article of written with my colleagues who have also worked on with the
0:01:03clinical trial that were involved in and that is deborah williams and german chance when
0:01:08s and i b
0:01:10the commonest trees and this house themselves work is that you but a stem cell
0:01:16into the damaged area and then a tree grows that a lot of that to
0:01:19converge several conditions in terms of the brain and stroke
0:01:24and there's very little evidence that that's house themselves what that they go in region
0:01:28right resentment evidence for top lots of different types of stem cells
0:01:33given to a stress induced straight models so animals at different times after straight and
0:01:42given to animals by different methods of delivery for example direct implementation interest ripple implantation
0:01:49systematically such as intravenously control theory some of these different things have been shown to
0:01:54work in different trials
0:01:57the challenge now is translating that's
0:02:00to clinical arena and deciding which is the best type system so you when should
0:02:06be can be giving it to locations of just wrote
0:02:09how should be given to patients amongst a number of all this controls which we
0:02:14discuss in the by already there are a number phase one phase two trolls which
0:02:18have been completed or gabbing same in this paper we review and one of the
0:02:23completed trials which been published and also give a summary of the ongoing trials
0:02:30that is definitely a moving the right direction
0:02:34but arts has been mentioned in the paper there are lots of challenges lots of
0:02:38unanswered questions which need to be looked at in more detail and if we're going
0:02:42to take this for which the key to success will be more coordinated research and
0:02:48paying attention to expert opinion
0:02:50from people that in this field as has been published in for example steps recommendations
0:02:57which we mention in a paper