you show that

but instead of estimating the united states i don't h one h

their initial recognition errors in the literature

however i five hundred to medication because whole system perturbation as well as far as

to the errors

the joint commission international defined as well as well as a significant q s

in addition to do so on medication for sure the c h

have for in for all three

these are explored in

we in the frequency recognition errors

to medication

it was used

i mean recognition errors prescribe translation as strong and extraction which to see

these services including vacation simulation you very few iterations this to constantly

several basic mitigation reset one thousand six hundred sixty two is probably due to your

pitch but these that

fifteen hundred and sixty three medication errors identify which can be twenty four

over sixty percent of patients are actually

i extraction it was fifty percent and that's quite small size

four percent dispensing

it's a perception prescribing stage

all errors too many strange

well actually finish

of these top position errors

to resemble what is nine point five percent statistic

the investigated are also interested to eight hours to drop illustration

and twenty four hours to this stage

the extraction errors identified in the current study for what we show a strong indication

the s one s t and issues

i shall assume all discharge

is that

pitch patterns are speech communication

these things to address this problem should go policies that this could potentially a significant

role in preventing and detecting which is that it should cost