0:00:08i do not clear
0:00:10it can be seen that you know which is to use them
0:00:15so that the influence she issue is that as we will references
0:00:22in contrast to provide us to a discrete respectively
0:00:27the russian under study is into four
0:00:31one is to produce a chicken
0:00:33scores you also research we conducted a set that's always be to examine timing of
0:00:42compressive difficulty in low income countries
0:00:46one hundred right study that has a complexity of each on the one looking less
0:00:52proficient last cv definition by contrast to in the in most of these countries we
0:00:59had a system it is to part of it it's
0:01:04the second russian map to the fact that a known to go
0:01:09these are just one week one two thousand and is to look at those tough
0:01:15in shows that walking onto the time that we need to make importance or feature
0:01:22due to governments in this project
0:01:24i used it it's a it's from the wrapping it so we
0:01:29which local thousand three we
0:01:33tested are not need on the right it's communities in g
0:01:38i is more technique under shows that
0:01:42we propose if you can be out
0:01:45a more likely to want to nice
0:01:48what we provide this we address those from
0:01:51i have also more likely to optimize will be private providers
0:01:58i also shows that
0:02:00does that are desired
0:02:02in which i will only disadvantage likely to patronise right
0:02:11in so
0:02:12the pattern as you but rich both private and public facilities
0:02:17there are more like as a function of indeed we do not show mixed that's
0:02:22so therefore in the
0:02:25to harmonise
0:02:26i drive the amount of supply for contraceptives
0:02:30i do this we need for going to that we have private initiative that is
0:02:38good results and try once a month supply of what constitutes a want to that
0:02:45accurately using complexity of attitudes that we don't constructors
0:02:51thank you