0:00:00one thing
0:00:05that presents a major public health challenge across europe
0:00:09an estimated one in five adults in your country suffers from chronic pain
0:00:15it's a condition the can have a devastating in practical applications quality of life
0:00:20many or risk of suffering from depression anxiety stress and sleep disturbance
0:00:26whilst relationships with low ones can be adversely affected
0:00:30the financial impact is also significant with a cost to the european economy estimated out
0:00:36at least three hundred million euros
0:00:39in the context of this considerable public health impact probably can't positions have an important
0:00:45role to play
0:00:46in improving the treatment and management of chronic pain still have a better patient outcomes
0:00:53today and estimated ninety percent of patients with chronic pain all managed in primary care
0:00:59patients with chronic pain console the doctors approximately five times more frequently
0:01:04then patience with i'll such pine
0:01:07with this x
0:01:08stance if and regular exposure to the needs of chronic pain patients
0:01:11it could be assumed the primary care physicians would be confident and proficient in its
0:01:16management but in practice
0:01:18this is not always the case
0:01:20at least forty percent of patients with chronic pain treated in a routine practise setting
0:01:26do not achieve adequate pain relief
0:01:29which suggests that chronic pain management presents a fast challenge
0:01:33to many primary care positions so
0:01:36wise is the case
0:01:38previous studies the primary care physicians in north america reported considerable frustration with the management
0:01:44of chronic pain
0:01:45the identify a number of challenges
0:01:49is there a similar situation in europe
0:01:51this new study aimed to specifically understand the challenges of pain management in probably gonna
0:01:57across your forming an evidence base for future initiatives
0:02:01a detailed questionnaire was developed for probably compositions to complete a line across thirteen countries
0:02:07focusing particularly on pain assessment a pure therapy and educational needs
0:02:14just over thirteen hundred positions completed the questionnaire
0:02:17approximately a hundred per country
0:02:20key findings from the study indicated that the vast majority eighty four percent
0:02:26a primary care physicians a c chronic normally campaign to be one of the most
0:02:31challenging conditions to treat
0:02:33less than half forty eight percent use pain assessment tools and eighty one percent of
0:02:38those interviewed
0:02:39consider chronic pain and its impact on quality of life to be on their assessed
0:02:44in primary care
0:02:45primary care physicians will less confident
0:02:48about describing strong appeal it for chronic pain
0:02:51done for using concept i'm
0:02:53and the most eighty four percent consider their initial training on chronic pain not comprehensive
0:02:59eighty nine percent recognizing and need for more educational this topic
0:03:04seventy two percent of the positions questions fell universal guidelines for the management of chronic
0:03:09pain when needed
0:03:10and seventy nine percent
0:03:12fill the management of chronic pain should be higher the government's agenda
0:03:17overall the important study finding is that the treatment of management of chronic pain is
0:03:22a significant challenge of primary care physicians
0:03:26there is identified
0:03:27the need to be addressed with additional training the only use the pain assessment tools
0:03:32and the lack of confidence in the use of a pure therapy
0:03:37in addition guidelines on chronic normal ligament pain management in primary care would be welcomed
0:03:42one most positions
0:03:44a more it's probably care and to separate the insights on this study will provide
0:03:48the basis for future initiatives
0:03:50to support improve probably can management of chronic pain and automatically but the patient outcomes