0:00:05controlling query is this it is this aspect of brand equity that has to do
0:00:11with the cultural knowledge that people have about a brand a how that cultural knowledge
0:00:16that they have leads then to do something for that brand that it wouldn't do
0:00:20for another bright
0:00:21so we typically talk about brian a query as this differential the fact that
0:00:26rand knowledge has on the customer response to the brand so controlling query is that
0:00:30differential effect that is
0:00:32closely related to the cultural meaning that the brand has in the mine of the
0:00:39what is wise this important because
0:00:42because people also have also needs and when a brand bu on full feeling i
0:00:48where are where goals of having functionality or expressing we are they also allows to
0:00:55connect to that cultural need to kind of express to ourselves and two others that
0:01:00we belong to the culture so
0:01:02when consumers connect to a brand because of the cultural meetings they can establish a
0:01:07deeper but because not only the function is not only what it means generally buddy
0:01:12what it means from a collective perspective maybe in part of a group maybe in
0:01:15part of all me expressing my identity that is relevant in my personal definition
0:01:22so what i would recommend companies is to understand remote control perspective both their brad's
0:01:28under target markets you know we tend to try to understand target markets from a
0:01:33demographic perspective and demographics are good demographic sometimes overlap control characteristic but they don't tell
0:01:40the full story
0:01:41i will try to understand brand from their images and we try to kind of
0:01:45understand this abstractness of the image but we also need to understand what's the control
0:01:49meaning that the brand has and that requires kind of for different understand different concepts
0:01:56that marketers not all the time are thinking about
0:01:59a ones you can have understand what is a control meaning of the bread i
0:02:02was to control reason for your target market then you can find extent to which
0:02:08there is a match or mismatch
0:02:10and you can really develop actions to breach a gap there is a mismatch
0:02:16if the ultimate goal is to become culturally relevant which i would argue any brown
0:02:21would like to be that for some branching might be a matter of life and
0:02:25that for some others it might be just a nice thing to do depending on
0:02:28how competitive is the empire but that cultural understanding of both the brown and the
0:02:33target market
0:02:34is what i would say that it's very important so we have to go will
0:02:37be you on joe's you know this briefs that relate to abstract images some characteristics
0:02:43and try to getting this control understanding that can be more powerful