0:00:12the general focus of our work is becoming increasingly important today networks is not a
0:00:17new idea people have been engaging in social networks by which i mean
0:00:21networks involving social systems
0:00:24for centuries today because of technologies it becomes possible for us to be able to
0:00:29communicate and collaborate with anyone anytime anyplace problem what the question then is having that
0:00:36who to be decided to collaborate with who do we decide to connect with
0:00:39and that becomes a topic of tremendous interest both because it has engineering dimensions and
0:00:44technological dimensions as well as the social dimensions
0:00:47so it becomes truly cross disciplinary
0:00:49a question
0:00:50that then requires resources theories methods from across different disciplines whether is engineering communication or
0:00:59so my focus is been primarily on understanding what are the socio technical drivers
0:01:04as to how we use a networks to create teens to create collaborations to find
0:01:08out who knows who to find out who knows what to find out who knows
0:01:12who knows who and who knows who knows one
0:01:15and a central research question is
0:01:17to see how the dynamics of what is happening within wells like everquest are indicative
0:01:24of what might be happening in terms of general social processes this gives us the
0:01:29traffic exploratory
0:01:31to be able to understand the dynamics
0:01:34of why people choose to work with other people
0:01:37why people tend to treat without the people exchange goods with people
0:01:41to what extent is this driven by geographic proximity when it doesn't need to be
0:01:46because we are in this case an online world to what extent is a do
0:01:49is driven by shared interests
0:01:52to what extent you end up choosing people who are friends of your friends
0:01:55these are things we know happen and in the offline world
0:01:59and what we're discovering is that actually the same dynamic seem to appear in the
0:02:02online bar what is exciting is that industrial engineering and management sciences
0:02:07has discovered that social networks and knowledge networks more generally are an important part of
0:02:12what is happening at what ways
0:02:14and while social network analysis as a field that grew up the social sciences i
0:02:19spent a great deal of time in describing social networks
0:02:22industrial engineering management sciences is particularly well positioned to be able to take
0:02:27the understanding of the signs of networks and be able to use that for building
0:02:32better than what's for engineering better networks
0:02:37we have undergraduate students who from the very first your own belgian team projects so
0:02:42they begin to experience first hand the recognition the engineering as an enterprise is not
0:02:46a solid three affair that people need to work in teams people need to collaborate
0:02:50and that even while a student's the competing with one another in some ways
0:02:54in other context to prepare for the engineering well that the face they need to
0:02:58build better collaboration skills
0:03:00if you look at the grand societal challenges that we face in the twenty first
0:03:03century whether it's environment whether it's and energy
0:03:07whether it's in the public health area
0:03:09all of these challenges that require a several disciplines to come together in order to
0:03:14address the challenges
0:03:15universities today
0:03:16have to be geared towards being able to assemble the teams that bring together diverse
0:03:22intellectual perspectives to be able to address these challenges
0:03:26northwestern university has really stood out as one of the places at the forefront to
0:03:30this movement
0:03:31a cross the university whether it is in mccormick school of engineering school of communication
0:03:36catalogue other medical school wind but you see there's a real spirit of being able
0:03:41to recharge across in fact i would argue that is one of the competitive advantages
0:03:46that not question has