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final Project - Authentic Assessment - Part 2

Cumming, J. J., & Maxwell, G. S. (1999). Contextualising authentic assessment. Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy & Practice, 6(2), 177-194. Cummings, R., Maddux, C. D., & Richmond, A. (2008). Curriculum-embedded performance assessment in higher education: Maximum efficiency and minimum disruption. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 33(6), 599-605. Darling-Hammond, L. (1994). Setting standards for students: The case for authentic assessment. Paper presented at the The Educational Forum, , 59(1) 14-21. Herrington, J., & Herrington, A. (1998). Authentic assessment and multimedia: How university students respond to a model of authentic assessment. Higher Education Research & Development, 17(3), 305-322. Linn, R. L., Baker, E. L., & Dunbar, S. B. (1991). Complex, performance-based assessment: Expectations and validation criteria. Educational Researcher, 20(8), 15. Madaus, G. F., & O'Dwyer, L. M. (1999). Short history of performance assessment: Lessons learned. Phi Delta Kappan, 80(9), 688-689. McTighe, J. (1997). What happens between assessments? Educational Leadership, 54, 6-13. Reeves, T. C., Herrington, J., & Oliver, R. (2002). Authentic activities and online learning. Quality Conversations: Research and Development in Higher Education, 25, 562-567.. Wiggins, G. (1990).The case for authentic assessment. ERIC digest. Wiggins, G. (1993). Assessment: Authenticity, context, and validity. Phi Delta Kappan, 75(3), 200-214.