hi everybody, I'm David and this is Jan. Hi. And we would like to present

you our learning story with our startup Universator. For those who don't know, Universator it's

something like trip advisor for schools and universities, so we give a space to people

to give, to write a review and write a feedback to the universities, so other

people can search and find their university and study program abroad according to the needs

and possibilities

we achieved some... we won Starcube last year and what we achieved in last year

will tell you Jan

twelve months ago, we were standing at this podium, stage and holding the first prize


it was great, really great ego boost

enjoy it and what we did is actually locked ourselves in their offices for four

months, South Moravian Center, to launch our public beta version as soon as possible and

it happened... it happened two thousand eleven, on October

at the same time, we actually were Seedcamp Mini Seedcamp Prague finalists, which is also

great competition, we can recommend it. And that time one of the things we brought

from this competition was that guys, students are visitors that's great but you need focus

on customers

so focus on them, and we did it. Next twelve... next two months we created

administration for universities to add their stay programs

and from January two thousand twelve 'till March two thousand twelve we approached over four

hundred universities

and what we learned from that is that they don't read e-mails at all, but

what was even most important is that they are not interested in

and, at the same time, we are running out of our money, what we saved.

It was twenty thousand euros. We spend this probably same amount of money in our

time as opportunity cost and other twenty thousand euros of other team's members, that were

actually involved and weren't paid

so it was, somehow, called aha moment, something like: okay, now we need to stop,

otherwise we are heading to hell

so we stopped

and what is our current state? Because we... we're now out of money and the

business model which we thought would work didn't work, we had to fire our team,

which was like we were eight people, now we are just two of us and

we started searching new ways, new business models for... for the startup. We had several

mentor meetings for... with the people all around. And this day we got some advices

and tips and nowadays we are stucked anyway. Because we know there is the need

on one side, but we still don't know how to monetise it properly, so we

don't know if we should... we should work more on the project or we should

shut it down completely


even though we have this experience, we... we got really big learnings, which I would

like to present to you

first one is

find paying customer as soon as possible

hear it all the time, and we also heard that and we knew it, but

our business model was based on something which our competitors had and it worked

and we asked Masaryk university here in Brno if they would use our service, that

we have it, and they said: yes we will, so we said: okay, great, the

business model is approved, because competitors gained a lot of money out of it and

universities here, even in Czech Republic, they would use it

but nobody picked us, actually. We just thought it will work and we saw it

in the competitors but nobody picked us, real money. And this is the first learning

which we will share, keep in mind in the next startups in the future as

well, and I would like to suggest to you to do the same. Like, get

the paying customer as soon as possible even if you are ashamed for the product

or service, find the paying customer. And I'm really glad that... that startups here at

this competition, they already have some

second thing is team

hard times will come, that's for sure. Really, for sure. And at that times you

really need to support each other. As they did mention, we were a team of

eight and now we are again a team of two

but that's what we

should suppose to do next time and be better way. So really, prepare for hard

times and even test your colleagues

okay. So, whatever

they will come

yeah. The third thing, which is really crucial for us, don't hide... don't hide your

idea. People always think that, if you present the idea to others, they will steal

it from you or

they will somehow scam you or something

what we experienced. Since the beginning we talked about the idea about the project on

every event with as many people as possible and it helped us a lot. We

got feedback, we got some advices, and we built a network of people which can

help us in the future as well. It really helps, nobody will almost share, nobody

will steal the idea from you or if somebody is interested in it, they can

join you or you can join with the others and gain.. like, gain other member

of the team, which is motivator for the project

don't spend money. It's a truth of a life for startups. So hey, what we

did? Spend six thousand crowns for terms and condition, in English, for customers we'd never


yeah, but, the good message is

you all Starcube teams are winners. Really, you got the experience which only few have

and that's already something. And I would like to congratulate you. Very good

mister Forbes says: failure is a success if you can learn from it

and we had a lot of learnings, so are we successful?

thank you