0:00:15okay thank as the german um but can i as my presentation which is about
0:00:19because of estimation of room impulse responses and this is a joint back to go of my
0:00:24peachy chi supervisor
0:00:25to be known
0:00:27so that's the goal of this work
0:00:29we want to track a time varying room impulse response
0:00:32so we have the following scenario we have a so as of "'em" which could be
0:00:37moving in time and we have uh the microphone
0:00:40here at that position and you want to estimate the um room impulse response which is in between
0:00:45the source and the microphone
0:00:47and as we have a time varying scenario we want to to track to this room impulse response
0:00:52so down here we have the simple model
0:00:54we have X X of and the convolution of T of end time um can have that as of and
0:00:59as of and we assumed to be known this is to use source signal and X of this microphone signal
0:01:04and you have to estimate this can entire fan
0:01:06uh given some additive caution noise that we have
0:01:11for convenience be
0:01:12we the in a matrix notation a given here
0:01:15um so if it introduce some type it's mattresses as you the feature of and
0:01:20um which present a convolution or equivalently
0:01:23some matrix as of and which just place
0:01:26then we can uh we present this uh a convolution as a metric vector multiplication
0:01:32and and end up that's a signal model that we have a pure and i O problem has solution approach
0:01:36to this um problem is the weighted at least squares estimator i think
0:01:40most a few know
0:01:41um and you do is to minimize to weighted likely an um
0:01:45i introducing some uh forgetting factor which just says that past measurements are not so important
0:01:50and then you observations that i have
0:01:52and this forgetting factor has to lie between zero and one
0:01:57so that's not the idea of
0:01:58this presentation yeah does not improve
0:02:01this way at least squares estimate by incorporating additional information and the additional information at you want to
0:02:07uh in corporate um this will be an energy conservation constraint
0:02:11so basically we have the two questions one i or where the answer this is
0:02:15what is the a prior information that be normally have
0:02:18so we will um assume that the energy that i was see at the microphone has to be less less
0:02:23equal to the energy that i image that the source
0:02:26and um that this is the a a not knowledge that we have a and you want to model this
0:02:31as a constraint
0:02:32into our because if estimation
0:02:34and the second question is how can be efficiently come up with a estimators that a really include incorporate this
0:02:41additional knowledge that we have and and will propose a we look at for different methods to do with this
0:02:48so this brings me to the contents
0:02:50well of my talk um
0:02:52it basically has two parts one is the first part is answering the first question
0:02:56um what is the constraint how does to constraint look like and that we can exploit
0:03:00and a second part is about the
0:03:02uh estimate was that i can use to estimate because of three D room impulse response
0:03:07and then i will show you some simulation results and
0:03:10and some up the presentation
0:03:12okay so first of all
0:03:15how can express this energy conservation constraint
0:03:18and that's has set what you want to exploit is that these signal energy at a microphone has to be
0:03:22less or equal lead a signal energy at the source
0:03:24just written down here
0:03:25and um if i just
0:03:27but this in a mathematical um from i what i need to ensure is that you are clean distance of
0:03:32it and time times as of then
0:03:34to this is the the signal that i have at the microphone
0:03:37has to be less or equal to the i clean distance of my emitted signal
0:03:42and if are just multiply this out
0:03:43and keep in mind that this has to hold for all signals as of and
0:03:47then i see that this metric heat of and france post times you'd of and that it of and was
0:03:51this step it's metrics
0:03:53we had to you room impulse responses
0:03:56on the diagonal
0:03:57um this has to be nonnegative and negative semidefinite
0:04:03uh sorry
0:04:04this one here
0:04:05and um
0:04:06this condition has as for all signal length as
0:04:09and um if
0:04:10be be um i know that sick
0:04:12conditions for for for particular signal length as zero
0:04:15then we know um from the fact that um the upper left matrix of the negative semidefinite matrix is also
0:04:21again negative semidefinite
0:04:22a note that this condition also holds for all
0:04:25signal can that are smaller than assume
0:04:27so it's for us it's just important to look at the case that the signal length S goes to infinity
0:04:32uh and this is what you do in the following
0:04:35so that this is the constraint that we can exploit
0:04:38and on the next slide i will show you two
0:04:40equivalent representations um of this set
0:04:43so the set constraints all room impulse responses
0:04:46which fulfil this energy conservation constraint
0:04:49and the first representation presentation that we can use this T is an L i representation a presentation if i
0:04:53just use shows slim a um than i see that i can work express this constraint here by this um
0:04:59plot metrics
0:05:00which has to be positive semidefinite
0:05:02and um as it this linear and detail and you each element of this um
0:05:06matrix elements i know that this is not an my and i immediately see that the set um um as
0:05:11a convex set
0:05:12but this presentation is not so convenient for us to include um
0:05:16it did the you because if estimation later that as we will see
0:05:19and the five will use the following frequency domain representation
0:05:24using the equivalence
0:05:26of the eigenvalues of a band limited toeplitz matrix and the corresponding circulant metrics
0:05:30for the case that my second next goes to infinity
0:05:33um i can come up with the following constraint and i the details um we can find in the people
0:05:38are at paper
0:05:39or or to put them and and backup slide
0:05:41but what you will see and this is also somehow into
0:05:45um that the room frequency response so this is nothing else than just a four you transform of my room
0:05:50impulse response
0:05:52um if i take the magnitude skirt of this this has to be less or equal to one for all
0:05:56frequencies so this basically says is there was not of single frequency or make them
0:06:02but the remember a room frequency response this larger than one so no single frequency
0:06:08is um
0:06:10a increased
0:06:11E D is not there's no i'm additional gain for each frequency
0:06:15a and we will see that all or uh
0:06:17three recursive estimators are based on this frequency domain representation
0:06:21and um to really to come up with some can be and um computational from less
0:06:26we will approximate
0:06:27um the question at we had before
0:06:29by introducing a if T and now we just um be you room frequency response
0:06:35at discrete frequencies so we now have on the guy was to pi are divided by have this i was
0:06:40see if that you crawl to M or logic to M which just corresponds to a case of zero padding
0:06:46and how um
0:06:47if and should use some
0:06:48selection matrix P what i basically see um here is that this
0:06:52what i have is that my
0:06:54uh room frequency response
0:06:55at this all my get our now and time instants and
0:06:58has to be less or equal to one
0:06:59as just the constraint that we have that we have to ensure for all L from zero
0:07:03up to basically L over two
0:07:05um and this what what's then he this is basically just
0:07:09a quadratic form that i have so my constraint
0:07:11um so this
0:07:13family of room impulse response um
0:07:15or or a room impulse responses
0:07:17which i and you can seven
0:07:19um i can rupture sent this constraint just by a set of
0:07:22uh a quadratic forms that i have to so
0:07:26okay this was the energy conservation constraint and a the question is how can be
0:07:29incorporate this knowledge into
0:07:31the recursive estimation
0:07:33and therefore i will
0:07:35a proof talk about the channel set up that we have and then um come up with these specific estimators
0:07:40for our
0:07:41we're impulse response estimation problem
0:07:43so channel we have to following problem we have X of and as as of and times
0:07:47it it zero of and so this is the time varying power me that we want to estimate from our
0:07:52observations X of N
0:07:53um given some additive cost noise and B no a priori that might power me that i want to estimate
0:07:59this lies in the subset it it which which is a subset of
0:08:03the um and dimensional
0:08:04um space
0:08:06and smiling motivated it by the at least squares estimator we can we formulate a uh are we can
0:08:11um come up with the signal model is given here
0:08:13if i introduce
0:08:15a the observation vector X of and which just contains all observations that i have
0:08:19if i introduce introduces stacked um model metrics as of an which contains all model match races for all time
0:08:26and also introduce
0:08:27um and noise vector set of and
0:08:29which is not not merely the only these stacking of the um
0:08:33the show more terms but also incorporates
0:08:36um this
0:08:37don waiting that i have
0:08:39which just says that past measurements are not so important then um you observations
0:08:44i can come up with the signal model and um if i just for not um don't consider this constraint
0:08:50then it's well known that the maximum likelihood estimate of this one is just a at least squares estimator
0:08:54and that for a um this is was the motivation for us to consider the stick model
0:08:59and now with the additional constraint
0:09:01that's we know that this it of and has to lie in the subset it
0:09:07okay okay and now the question is how can we applied estimators with the crow computational complexity
0:09:12so if i go back if you just look here to sex of and
0:09:15and also the other terms there are um
0:09:17and growing with time
0:09:18because i just stack all observations that i have into this um large vector X of and
0:09:24and that for the questions how can be avoid estimators with this growing computational complexity
0:09:29and um what we use is the concept of sufficient statistics
0:09:33and a sufficient statistic of the signal model that up we had before so of this linear cost model
0:09:37is um given by the following
0:09:39um and
0:09:40you just look closely at this time that we have few this is nothing else than the maximum likelihood estimator
0:09:46of the equation that we had before
0:09:48and this is just a weighted at least squares estimator or S that's so was sufficient statistic that i can
0:09:52is um
0:09:54the rate feast squares estimator of the plot problem that i had before
0:09:57and be um
0:10:00um or
0:10:01first of this um
0:10:03this sufficient statistic um it's about on that this can be efficiently computed by recursive we discuss a estimator and
0:10:09um because if at feast was um i'm with them
0:10:12or um i dates
0:10:14my sufficient statistic
0:10:15um because it's solves um for the um we discuss estimate in each iteration and also gives me the inverse
0:10:21correlation metrics and these both quantities are will need um for the estimators
0:10:26and that will follow
0:10:28so the idea of now um
0:10:30what i can use as the sufficient statistics in a first step
0:10:32so use the way at least squares estimator
0:10:35and now i'm thinking of
0:10:36different estimators in a second step or different ways to incorporate that knowledge that i have this energy conservation constraint
0:10:42to get a best but estimate then the you wait at least squares estimate of look give me
0:10:48okay and now this is the first estimate at we can use this is
0:10:53um quite simple we use um the maximal like a estimator of our signal model but this time with the
0:10:58knowledge that might it has to lie in the subset term so and the set of all the room impulse
0:11:03which are and cheek can serving
0:11:05um and if you just had the this out
0:11:08and keeping in mind that um we know the sufficient statistics then it's
0:11:11then we come up to the following and quadratic form um we have
0:11:14do the is um
0:11:16um the you body discuss estimate
0:11:18times the correlation matrix
0:11:21and times this button
0:11:22we have to minimize this quadratic roddick from a subject to our constraint
0:11:26so at each time step
0:11:27um we have to check either is the least squares estimate inside my um constraint if yes then this is
0:11:33also my
0:11:34because of um
0:11:35can makes "'em" like that to estimate or if not we have to find the minimum of this quadratic form
0:11:39on the boundary of this um constraints at that i have
0:11:43so now for our a room impulse response tracking problem
0:11:46we know that the constraint is just given by these uh a quadratic form as
0:11:50and that all i have to do is
0:11:52um and the case that my um way discuss estimate is not inside this constraint
0:11:57what i have to do is stand um i have to solve
0:11:59well have to minimize a quadratic form or what quadratic constraints which is a quadratically constrained quadratic program
0:12:05which we can efficiently solve
0:12:07to this is the first um estimate that we can use
0:12:10a second estimate is the recursive if you'd minimax estimator
0:12:14um and it was shown by L or that um
0:12:16this a few minimax estimator has the following form
0:12:19um i know the efficient estimator form Y um
0:12:23supermodel model
0:12:24um then i have to of um the than of fine from you same
0:12:28this metric i'm of N
0:12:30oh sorry
0:12:31and this
0:12:32um that so you of and
0:12:34and M of and and you of and uh fine a i can be found by solving min next problem
0:12:38given here
0:12:39and if you look close that this one
0:12:41um this just quote um depends on the
0:12:44inverse correlation matrix which is also computed by they were "'cause" if at least squares estimator so i can
0:12:49we have here
0:12:50um um
0:12:51it depends on the um sufficient statistics and you the inverse correlation matrix
0:12:55and both are
0:12:56i did by do because if a this squares estimator so i'm still a um
0:13:00i also have few at the problem of the the the the um nice fact the like and
0:13:04relied on this way least squares estimator and the for
0:13:08so now for our a room impulse response tracking problem we do the following simplification
0:13:13to reduce used the computational complexity we just that you of to zero
0:13:17and assume that this i'm of and it's just a bike mot metrics um which just have one
0:13:22meet the all from that we tried to to mess
0:13:24so we saw of those not overall i meant you but just a with this i'll
0:13:29and um to corporate this um set of quadratic ready constraints so i have um
0:13:35it's um
0:13:36one has to first
0:13:37um transform the problem into a the graphic form and then use the as procedure as as written down here
0:13:41and then i can we formulate this optimization problem into a semidefinite program
0:13:45and this is um what you will do
0:13:48um in the simulation results
0:13:49that this was to a because of affine minimax estimator
0:13:52and the slide your
0:13:53um to introduce or to incorporate this um now which show this a or no that i have this constraint
0:13:59to use the minimum mean squared error estimator
0:14:01where and say um
0:14:03that i have a uniform prior on this constraint set T time
0:14:07this can be motivated just by D makes entropy principle which just says out of of family of prior densities
0:14:13i should choose that prior or which has a maximum entropy
0:14:17and this is the uniform prior on this set you time
0:14:20um so you using the concept of by asian um sufficient statistics we can
0:14:25come up with the following because as minimum mean squared error estimator
0:14:28which is just written here and again be C it's also just depends on the sufficient statistics and on the
0:14:33inverse correlation matrix so we also have not the problem of and enough and crawling
0:14:38that much or um vector X of and
0:14:41and to have to close um we use rejection sampling um so we use basically much colour integration
0:14:48and the samples from the posterior a formed by um something thing
0:14:52um using rejection sample
0:14:53and the posterior
0:14:55i you can see year
0:14:56it's just a caution densities as a quadratic form and this exponential which is a truncated to the
0:15:01uh features as this part of this at is given by this um constraints at you time
0:15:06and for our room impulse response tracking problem
0:15:09um we sample from a caution and then we have just a check
0:15:12um is this constraint for do not for that sample and if it's not fulfilled food than we just um
0:15:17or we got um this
0:15:19or reject this sample
0:15:21okay this point not to the simulation results
0:15:24and the simulation was that simulations to be
0:15:27have the following problem we have a we want to estimate a room impulse response from a moving source to
0:15:31six microphone
0:15:33so the setup is as following um
0:15:35the source moves along a straight line
0:15:37and we have ten centimetres speech uh between neighbouring position
0:15:41or all we have a let L eleven positions
0:15:44so the source moves in total of one are
0:15:47and the source signal is assumed to be caution
0:15:49um just caution lies of length one hundred example
0:15:52and the room has a size of three by three meters and a i hate of two point three meters
0:15:57and the reverberation time is a a one hundred and twenty miliseconds
0:16:00and use a image source model to obtain the room impulse responses
0:16:04uh with the sampling frequency of to both two has
0:16:08if us
0:16:09a room impulse responses of length of one thousand two hundred forty one taps that we have to estimate
0:16:13in each time step
0:16:16and the all three estimators um
0:16:18as a set use this give the approximation and V use
0:16:21or are sampling uh by roughly a factor of ten so we use um L is
0:16:26you put to to to the power fourteen
0:16:28and for this um because of minimum mean square error estimator
0:16:31use three thousand samples to um approximate these integrals by monte colour integration
0:16:39that just preview T um definitions of signal to noise ratio is just the to noise ratio at the microphone
0:16:44and be use a normalized are emission
0:16:46to show the results here
0:16:47which just just um could difference between my estimate and my to room impulse response
0:16:52divided by the um room impulse response and energy
0:16:56first of all um Q the results for the instantaneous estimators which corresponds to a case
0:17:01to better that you zero
0:17:04and that's a do not have much time left um what you can see
0:17:06all three estimators um are better than you but if he squares estimator and especially the
0:17:11um minimum is could have estimator this small here and if i allow for better on equal to zero
0:17:17um you see that all values gets smaller from
0:17:20um up you to down here
0:17:22again this is because of minimum is mean squared error estimate which has this uniform prior on this constraint it
0:17:27and gives the best results
0:17:30um but me quickly some uh up to my presentation um
0:17:34we talked about the because of room impulse response estimation image with with an energy conservation constraint
0:17:39and as you could see in the simulation results this constraint will helps to improve the performance
0:17:44and the because of minimum means good it um
0:17:47i estimator
0:17:48post estimator with the um
0:17:51best to form an
0:17:52and now to
0:17:53um come up with better estimate is a with a um to improve the performance you more
0:17:58you can't with we could now in corporate additional information that you could have um so this would mean additional
0:18:04uh constraints
0:18:05and this is some future work are thinking
0:18:08thank you very much for a attention
0:18:26you in like
0:18:27i was wondering how
0:18:29what is the physical meaning of this constraints
0:18:32a yeah i mean
0:18:34you talk about a discrete
0:18:36digital signals
0:18:37and uh
0:18:39the the quantity it you call in G
0:18:42well it's somehow how related to real world for you know a G but you know they are apply five
0:18:46say and
0:18:47and don't device
0:18:48in between
0:18:49and a
0:18:51well that
0:18:52that that response that you may i can mess are used using K is and an estimator
0:18:58could have easily
0:19:00like a twenty db gain
0:19:02i have for a particular frequency
0:19:06so um in the simulation results we see that um this is
0:19:09and as you conservation constraint just gives us um
0:19:12room impulse response estimates which are more smooth than if you just compared to the ordinary weighted feast squares estimates
0:19:18of this this is basically what this constraint performs but now the question as you're right um if there devices
0:19:23in between some amplifiers um
0:19:25you need to have one calibration step before and in a real application to really use this set up because
0:19:30what you really want to have is that this energy at T
0:19:35a microphone is less or equal to the energy of
0:19:38at the source
0:19:39um so if that would be an empty in between um we we need one calibration step
0:19:45to really to use this
0:19:55uh one i you what for example if i know that my source will not be close to to the
0:19:58microphone than for example two meters or something like this but know from
0:20:02just um
0:20:04the error propagation what what could be a what what is the minimum um um iteration that double have
0:20:09and and stuff like this could could be incorporate
0:20:12or also there are uh some work um
0:20:14publish already
0:20:15which include sparsity prior so if i know that my um room impulse response
0:20:19just as as some strong pad
0:20:21this is something additional that i can put on top
0:20:23to come up with a better estimate of this room impulse response
0:20:29how likely would the then mse the normal the and see solution be a a a a of than one
0:20:37because here you have this constraint on the norm of of of the channel yeah
0:20:41a a how like if you have been mention and the receive the power is always
0:20:45yes smaller than the transmit by
0:20:47so how likely would the now of the and then C solution i can would be larger than one in
0:20:52which case you would need your
0:20:53okay even mean how many for example for yeah "'cause" minimum mean square error estimate to i have to do
0:20:57a rich action or a um
0:20:59this depends strongly on the signal to noise ratio
0:21:02um so for a signal to noise ratio of for example five to be
0:21:06um rough if if if you sample from this posterior density
0:21:09i'm you have to um exclude every second from sample that it it's a draw from this your density for
0:21:16at a or a if for the three "'cause" of constrained maximum likelihood estimator
0:21:19i do it know the ratio ratios at all how many times exactly with at least squares estimator and how
0:21:24many times you have to solve the optimization problem in um one E
0:21:28i'm i'm i'm not sure how many times this will happen for this
0:21:31or C M L
0:21:32oh check this yeah
0:21:34left things you can again