the morning um or this works you know about this work and do we start the to do you want something make is the coverage you mission we probably channel state information sharing a a more efficient we we to yeah you the background of rocks and deprive the model that's so a scroll to myself a combination strategy for both so use that information about uh the totally a you you were also free you you to in the world is there the received a a major one that what to be high so see uh and the message that really coverage you transmission and all of them have but they did my D point commission is a promising solution to hide we there yeah we um to uh call it or structure for a a to much research relation oh a multiple but but station i you to us we need to five recordings um a a want to be so my people when you press incorporating there we kind of summarise is that uh the general procedure predictor of one click your contribution you turns for follows for a should station at is uh the channel from to all you for it is a a a a in right channel reciprocity and for work and four for that that have to men the node what to the to you need to buy a recording how to get all all of that all channel from all users that's it you of the recorder will all oh all this issues and then broadcast that precoder two i i to the should by then um the the is come from draw down information so all you and we uh uh we do not to use the procedure yes so a a to you need to process just a calls all a precoder computed exactly you can use of the performance gain all considered calm transmission uh set on cost or other or at and but you you know the rules one to and a channel information sharing uh in true uh and sorry for me a sharing between big yeah station we be perfect so is that some work uh if there is a a in parallel oh in channel state from injury oh we test for one uh a uh i U K twelve and whichever all so a car to the region and every two or three uh can be don't but he's a with such as from a sharing to to and the proposed um a some to to record in in a the total available a a that the fact um are you are to be for me we sharing yeah i i hundred and see uh in country deployed so that runs the point of it yeah order of ten and i do we can find that say the that last try to century use do you need setting to do this the channel delay oh a at of E to two that be addition to to to it is to be patient from for which maybe you um to three from and uh to the day information so i you talk we propose you column a strategy to anyway says that the let by uh recording a a there uh and two D comp time with for the to don't not the iterations and uh uh we can do C is great you two uh uh do you a a job so maybe you uh for you the ones in there know how we can press that if you you know what you but it's creation uh where X i that data you people that i which sure that be efficient and do we try to locate role if you can they should uh i a but i is the precoding vector all i and the time that i that and the mean and a variance yeah also we can define uh the the channels from okay to all use this by H L P later uh we consider that says that addition have to the channels a time segment at all for and you have he we are the channel you name that for every where uh have the we need a priority for each all channels that that objects and that you would be we not at every week that of the channel uh but is a question oh we we K i have to go and so estimate addition and uh yeah okay K that all the channel estimation error where is a fees we can also but in to here we propose propose a a you you drive myself of the G need to be the issue that i uh uh can be from for for a to each station estimates to a channel from you to you for us uh we done in china do and the for what uh and the for channel estimate i i get a check from all stations a given you rock of the channels all they the bad things so i think it's midnight addition kind of no uh the channel for all permutations that's a uh you parents uh a while back is yeah then the be efficient and we estimate a channel from you to all you all your course you i i own precoder with all or or channel state information and and uh the opposition come from only one transition to all you we some right picture for uh the they should process of G so a uh recorders at it's different efficient at each sign eventually i a to each coefficient just why we it processing as G and uh and all of the coverage of addition have the same symbol you know a a probably "'cause" you don't the make is the sum rate you and uh at at that the channel and a different stations a a different by at uh a should be a at each bit position no uh uh include a a a a a a are three possible channels and and that cost uh channel estimates is from so that they to all you press and the cost uh the channel uh mean or are they should shed but to you need and the source of party the find that the estimated the channel state mission uh uh from a addition to all you so S T G by a that a the paper is uh the problem precoder time problem for the into the remote call team in theory uh to you meeting problem and by might be show the suboptimal solution where we are one you make sure of to my uh both you you happens in members but which are quite a a a a a a of the sharing of few models and a but if you can make first but also yeah or that he does not real a sharing a diffusion variables reference a T i one and uh the sharing of a a a a a a a bit if you were able we uh winter the but in a to reach you it and that was hard to the share you models well come if these the be all so so the basic idea of of of the problem there that uh uh each base for uh three from that's estimate set uh as the means of the are are recall and my own there so that can change is what's to the channel should be able to uh to uh to mean estimates are really efficient code and known man for efficient have to where C oh well a local channel this means that uh the channel from one tool uh why is that for uh but you can be don't by and uh and the final portion we we don't by previous so or of the channel channel of each way uh okay we we have that my a a game but by outside the current paper we that you is that probably five uh to estimate and the yeah that's a a and channel four at the time so it's uh you you to to mentor the precoder design at each iteration trends seen the problem they should know what time yeah some uh that's a you we uh we the which every a summary and and Q uh yeah i uh right a right right yeah i can be approximated by a um function here additional try can and uh a by using uh change but in into the computer to channel uh channel model a a that we can formulate the a vision problem uh for those uh we make my my uh a it's and the subject the proposition one yeah that okay that because you image and okay and uh yeah the problem is is only a non-convex problem uh you are to fill so we um we use the uh the concept of read profile a you by seven uh which you which he defined as a that we show all of my which you it rates oh we're the over the rate so you went uh a five we can my the i'm rate okay uh mean in all three and uh well for proposition four is the um problem can be re and you i rate and and they four i i know uh but it using to a i and uh at this not close a the i one train but uh there a suboptimal solution the problem can be obtained by in that estimate that to pronunciation a miss it a given by right and and one is that so no common a a constraints and that obtained a to me the programming but but problem now we use some rice the yeah to so called or and each for at each base station you and file um since all that let's P the section true and a change the optimal side so type of rock one that we can change and i by but competition a the last uh and do night vision is so the company can be used to obtain a and P a one step two to all possible it provides and and optimal down i the one thing well the model of some and keep important to note that so you you should know need to the stuff two um don't to updating a coder to ensure that a know from um right not to with multiple efficient um and be but uh combine the contract you uh which can be done by a right be sure that said but i mean i a the right part he's i i uh we with it so a a a real yeah true and uh to to us in this and that so so it ever uh we didn't read a time but general because model the um cool true are you the pull a finger also with you rate a sure what they are at the and the uh such so T and the whole if they should present a a future currently for case you probably jerry and you in the case of both that is a i have the same performance the curly uh for a station i think that you curvy a that's that that this G i and weights well uh and and i think for a dense okay conclusion i proposed and you only on that work uh G i P uh a to to right that because the U if and you for providing a or the uh position for that G a a it had a very high complexity male you do sign black and and uh that efficient use it all out i should you uh the shen and so this uh uh yes actually in the you know that we you don't you the case of can what only five uh one uh uh maybe more yeah B