The 36th International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing took place at the Prague Congress Centre (PCC), May 22-27, 2011. The ICASSP meeting is the world’s largest and most comprehensive technical conference focused on signal processing and its applications.
Website: http://www.icassp2011.com
You can browse through the recordings of ICASSP2011 oral presentations for which we were granted permission to make them publicly available. We are sorry that we unfortunately didn't manage to record several presentations due to technical problems. If you have any questions, contact us at info@superlectures.com.

How to search (click on the image)
August 3, 2011 | Share button. |
July 20, 2011 | Links to IEEE Xplore. |
July 1, 2011 | The automatically generated subtitles are disabled by default. To enable them, click CC button in the video player. |
Kategorie přednášek
- Acoustic Modeling (3)
- Acoustic Source Separation (4)
- Adaptation for ASR (4)
- Audio/Visual Detection of Non-Linguistic Vocal Outbursts (5)
- Beamforming and MIMO (3)
- Bio-inspired Information Processing and Networks (4)
- Biosignal Estimation and Classification (4)
- Biosignal Processing (4)
- Classification and Pattern Recognition (5)
- Compressed Sensing and Sparse Representation of Signals (6)
- Compressed Sensing: Theory and Methods (6)
- Detection and Estimation (4)
- Distributed and Collaborative Signal Processing (5)
- Distributed and Cooperative Processing (2)
- DSP Algorithm and Architecture Optimization for Hardware Implementation (3)
- Echo Cancellation (4)
- Estimation Theory and Methods (2)
- Expert Sessions (7)
- Human Assisted Speaker Recognition (2)
- Image and Video Indexing and Retrieval (4)
- Image Coding (6)
- Image Feature Extraction and Analysis (2)
- Industrial Technology for Speech Processing Applications (4)
- Innovative Representations of Audio (5)
- Interpolation and Super-resolution (1)
- Joint Audio Visual Processing (5)
- Kaldi Workshop (4)
- Language Identification (4)
- Language Modeling (4)
- Machine Learning Methods and Applications (4)
- Medical Imaging (7)
- Microphone Array Signal Processing (3)
- Miscellaneous Speaker Identification (4)
- Modeling and Analysis of Speech Production (5)
- Multimedia Indexing and Retrieval (5)
- Multiuser and Network MIMO (5)
- Music Signal Processing (5)
- Networking and Coding (2)
- Non-negative Tensor Factorization and Blind Separation (5)
- Non-Stationary Signal Analysis (3)
- Opening Ceremony, Awards Ceremony (1)
- Parallel Software Implementation of DSP Algorithms (4)
- Particle Filtering for High Dimensional Problems (3)
- Plenary Talks (4)
- Robust ASR (5)
- Secure Signal Processing (1)
- Sensor Networks (4)
- Signal Separation (5)
- Source Separation and Applications (5)
- Spatial and Multichannel Signal Processing (5)
- Speaker Diarization (6)
- Speaker Verification (3)
- Spectrum Sensing for Cognitive Radio (3)
- Speech Analysis (4)
- Speech Enhancement (6)
- Speech Synthesis (2)
- Spoken Document Processing (2)
- Stereo and 3-D Processing (3)
- Stereoscopic and 3-D Coding (4)
- Systems Biology (2)
- Target Detection and Localisation (5)
- Tomorrow's Smart Grids (3)
- Video Analysis and Processing (3)
- Video Coding (3)
- Watermarking and Multimedia Security (3)