i okay so you have an expert and it's not i so i assume you a i do you mean okay at first that are of the next paper that a a a a used in the rest and then space not now spike signals i mean right to my is my point hmmm thank you for your pension a ladies and gentlemen my name's don't you and i am from your signal or process right as some should but a time my presentation in is all this to as in for and based on as my signal or in last i have to bind in line talking to three parts for for what i want to do is maybe use some background of your to T and second okay okay that yeah there parent or you by don't is and the proposed the best of as third i as big B performance of sure and conclusion okay we can begin my looking at what you're to eating this speech yours used not does that sure processed steps a when the environment sting the are nice it to three were again a for several times those years hum sensors in sensor as were again transmits says three permission to to right then and in as in there first system trust me three first that's we were again then and and you're is in their presence to are active at an organised in in that the possibly a and for three don't let and does one have in we have to in so just just not one think is for sure yeah how to is the perception of we one or stable so so i i may be possible to infer that base to is for set to do me and we have a in that information of your activity is is up over to you allergic a is a has a that sort of a sense of smell but this is the rat yeah you can see the those in do and the right a there is a loss a particular or again in your of for a part of a brain it is made for factory more and will be uh yes you have it's a more yeah in your brain but it's not that big oh we confronted oh yeah my provided that true into the M O you know there two obtained you know signal or on brain and and according according to the signal or with that on a five so uh oh goal is to find out a relationship between the pads and of literacy or i don't or so that it can so that we and uh to the the right to is a or factor she's that are for mayor as what you used as such subset they are on that's the size i you were saying uh or or the were we able to rise to whole what or to more like that and present should have gone images from rest the this we a in here uh the was was as an in bar a to main is a repeated of fine five or or getting some town let's used to a use as test or there is work did we own paper for a shot is as you see are first to what they're is as i i i a a a has for like the or that is similar to but enter and second or and and eighty as strong a lot of the disgusting uh old or a start or or or any T oh on only in the like in this work test you read but is not yeah right or my avoid the area has to set of just you right the for based of full force held or least sure was for a by adding a four major as three what the thing or or the middle are a it was used as a sort red and use this what are the sir but it's not that i'm sure or mean or or your all all the race and three to human a on and and i was used to do assignment i is record your activity uh from that what for micro signal from individual or by providing a was was a and B five i from ten thousand to try sound again and filters all hmmm for fifty four is do a point eight sure oh put three point four one hundred and five twenty eight all response to you're as more the from so to him privately the micro you can see but you spikes as but these are five years i mean and uh we define E time average the number of will the was applied in four one for that for section as to your are final rate a draw a final which are change right or at most cases compared to to be sure condition we define the a difference precision hold for parse as a old or both you're response at for how we arranged the a from the independence independent it has forty bins we can do this to do this bad a the right get or S is in case the you're in index and but the car X it's gonna case D all the routes is right is that hard for you need do a three here it's are five five order and the is for size of this and that in case the uh the average you're sparse or or or to fire and with with decent or information of of word virus and can make is for you what for axes means you met it you do your wrist so we can find out two points your response a of single or and your and is different from each other the what does tomorrow i as second then you're as possible and on all or is different from each other a we can monitor this to to that's not mandatory with this uh and rich and variance okay mulder did we you you gaussian probabilistic as to model like this so it's just few years you respond the for about a for about is that still on your wrist uh i just number eighty hard you're in well there is not a a are the same some you have distinguishable or responses a was the older as but son but a a a a a is or not uh this new version you you numbers you're a a number of things you you're a number fifty three is uh very cheap or brokerage in your response to or or as if the for a so all orders all the rest out very or is stick to distinguish or two about the all those for well you are in were eighteen is small is all we read much to it cannot be distinguished word that aforementioned mentioned you're and number two and one thing that's interesting it has very high face right activity but is not that to so oh or for three and you're and number six it's whatever the that orange unit a picture can be this from a a first or those but i i i every K can be use because they yeah a very similar i and you're and number of fourteen is very a special one i is the in the two the response a we think it it's this is a very real about two it it can be three you're an in you know you're so i we they've this need you're is a substance a we can T so we need that's small right estimation a that's bright estimation is that uh that's is to is made a on the part with kate which which my the likelihood of a or do oh and you have has uh so that is car independent but we assume this condition we a point that's that's score computation i wonder that uh a make your as do we need to get low is used there as well for about the richard i uh_huh we use the for for as and a the the way we set at two the randomly choose a and you know one hundred your yeah every were sitting sure as you was one hundred percent a for read eight and i T two point five three percent for it B a a to one point zero seven one percent for S C and a main one hundred percent for it if we use only and you is no we're is usually a as you was nine Q five a point for a first first for day and eight and and i Q point one eight percent for it but this is the completion unit sure uh we had to five old or or or both to your response and it was but and it was a computationally efficient what your a we have a press friends a future work it a grouping in your for Q is processed R T i mean the distant should work characteristic of your response and second is broken and you're is a putting to use three dimensional or location and uh a a sort of friend is not that are right that read the whole experience the rest what is uh but better well no we're but that that statistic or oh dependent decoding coding that's so so we think is this her for you bottom line though B M i exposure tension is my i it's a a pretty because already question if you have a results one by the response a different because you present response you right you the scrap it right because the smell use uh where especially humans very you don't perception and so many things so do you you want to find a a be the difference this point a different threats because it it is yeah i i S results on the accuracy can you different do you have a a chance and the results how different right read oh and i uh yes there is a a very a very very recently in the rest well i have they were thought that what that lot the the same first separate of ways of error more like just right but we it is not yeah i mean that's sir is because we tried you you S M right the response still all you and uh we found it very deep brain very much a sponsors this what i uh can somehow our previous used a smell so just curious is if you each okay impress me but uh uh i so that's why i was asked if you have a and you results in order to this point true a i right but oh yeah although but it's but interesting question uh uh i i i do the map or the is is right and will be in a week but the are is so that difference problem each other boat but is situation is very well for various or red a so i i i haven't tried tried to uh but if i the but one right has very i a should right and we will some right it's not